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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 She's Good in Bed

Louis said in a gentle but evil voice, which made Jessica nervous.

All of a sudden, the ward was terribly quiet.

The same as Joyce, Jessica wanted to know what he would say.

But she didn't expect that, Louis would say, "She's good in bed."

Louis said such a short sentence so calmly.

Both of Jessica and Joyce's face suddenly turned pale.

"…" Joyce was dumfounded.

"…" Jessica felt like that her head was on fire.

She just knew that Louis would be such a asshole who could say out those words.

Joyce was laughing out loud.

But Jessica was so nervous and found it so terrible.

She stared at Louis fiercely.

Why did he say she was good in bed?

If she could kill people with her eyes, she would kill him for many times.

Joyce laughed into tears and she stared at Jessica with her gloomy eyes. The way she looked at Jessica was like she was despising a whore.

"Miss…" Joyce saw Jessica as a whore in the night club. "You are excellent. No wonder Louis refuses to touch me."

Jessica gnashed her teeth but she had to bear Joyce's humiliation to her. She pinched Louis waist and told herself to put up with that.

Louis only slightly lifted his eyebrows, and he didn't feel the pain from his waist though Jessica was pinching him.

Joyce didn't care about Jessica who was just nobody.

What's more, after Louis told Joyce the reason, she seemed to sign in a relief, and then she calmed down and chimed,

"Louis, I don't care you have any affair with such a girl. Wife is different from mistress. If you give up our marriage just because of this girl, you would suffer a great loss. Louis, you are smart. And I know you just want to have fun. But there will be more and more girls who are better in bed than her."

"Joyce." Louis cut in and he said with a great determination, "Marriage isn't a business to me. You can stand that your husband can cheat you, but I can't allow myself to marry a girl that I don't love."

Jessica heard every single word that he said.

His words were like some small stones which were thrown into the lake of her heart and made some waves…

Jessica wanted to cry when she hear such a cold-blood words that said by Louis.

She thought that a man like him who didn't respect female would of course didn't care about marriage. Let alone his wife.

But she didn't expect that how could he said that he wouldn't allow himself to marry a girl that he didn't love.

Jessica was moved because of what he said.

Joyce relented the moment Louis finished his words.

"No, you can't do this to me… Louis…"

Nothing could hurt her so much except Louis said he didn't love her.

It was 5am.

Jessica didn't know how she followed Louis and walk out of the hospital.

Her mind was messy and the words that Louis said at last filled with her mind.

When she thought of the sad face of Joyce, she felt a bit sorry for her.

Louis was the man who wouldn't marry a girl that he didn't love. No matter how deep the love someone to him. He was a clean freak in his daily life and so as his marriage.

When they walked out of the hospital, Keith was already there, "Master."

Louis nodded and he said to Keith in a flat tone, "Send her home."

He didn't even look at Jessica when he was talking to Keith, and it seemed that he was asking Keith to deliver a good.

Jessica was a bit angry.

The man who was holding and kissing her just now became so cold at this moment. How disappointing.

She really wanted to figured out was he a robot?

How could he change so fast?

"No, I will take a taxi." Jessica pursed her lips and she was so tired that she didn't want to argue with him.

If Jessica would think that Louis would insist to send her home because he wanted to appreciate her help tonight who had scarified herself to play a show with him, then she would be wrong.

Absolutely wrong.

He would always do anything out of her expectation!

Then, she saw that Louis didn't say a word but getting inside the car.

And he closed the door.

The car just went away…

Only the marks of the car were left on the road. He didn't say a word to her. And he just disappeared in her sight…

Jessica was left alone and she stood still at where she was. She was so angry and clenched her fingers tightly.

She felt that she was just a scrap paper that he tossed. As the car left, the paper floated up in the air then fell on the ground.



Jessica dragged herself back home, and she was so sleepy.

Martha and Matthew already got up.


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