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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 You Asshole!

"Embarrass the Wilson family?" Jessica sneered and she felt sorrowful, "I only remember that many years ago, how my mom and I were humiliated and hurt by the Wilson family. How could you say that it is me who embarrass the Wilson family? Anna Wilson?"

Jessica didn't expect that she could meet her half-sister who was so arrogant here after many years.

Anna would always look at her disdainfully. Now she was the same.

Jessica's heart was a bit painful.

It seemed that Anna reminded her of all the sad memoires before.

When Jessica was eight, Martha married to his father with Jessica, and the Wilson family was all crazily angry.

Anna even pointed to her nose and swore her that, "Bastard! You are just the daughter of this wild woman! You don't deserve to be my sister!"

At the age of 12, Jessica kept a cute rabbit. On morning after a week, when she woke up, she saw the bleeding rabbit lied by her pillow.

Anna said in a gloomy voice, "Bastard, you don't deserve to keep such a clean rabbit!"

At the age of 15, when Jessica was on her way home, she was dragged by a group of people into an alley.

Anna was standing in the middle of those people and stepped fiercely on Jessica's leg. "Bitch, if I see you wear a skirt next time and flirt with our school beau, I will break your leg."

Then she hit Jessica's right leg with a baseball bat. It took Jessica six months to back on her feet.

At the same year, Jessica transferred to another school.

And she met Jeremy Cooper in this year.

Jeremy was like sunshine in her life that brightened the darkness in her life.

At the age of 17, Anna met Jeremy who was standing by Jessica by accident, and she thought he was so gorgeous.

From then on, every time Jeremy asked Jessica to see a film, Anna would be the one who showed up at last.

Every time Jeremy asked Jessica to go for an outing, Anna would be the one who went with him at last.

Even the gifts that Jeremy gave Jessica, Anna would definitely keep them.

Until one day, Jessica was going to have a test; Anna rushed into the classroom and slapped her in front of all the students.

And she snapped, "Bitch! What did you do to Jeremy! He doesn't even look at me! I am going to kill you, you bitch!"

In the same year, Anna broke up with a guy. Her whole family worried about her so much and they were driven crazy for three months.

Jeremy would be always the one that would never disappear in Jessica and Anna's heart.

When Jessica was 18, her dad Henry Wilson was put in jail.

And her mom Martha was sick.

No one of the Wilson family cared about Martha and just left let the disease run its course.

In order to make enough money to pay for her mom's treatment, she dropped school and began her hard life in Korea.

"Bastard! For the sake of Louis, I wouldn't slap you that fiercely."

What Anna said dragged Jessica back to the reality.

Jessica's heart sank and she couldn't breathe at a moment.

She glanced at Anna who had been spoiled by the Wilson family since she was child. It seemed that Anna could do anything as long as she could make herself happy.

But for Jessica, she would never be allowed to hit Anna just because what Martha told her.

There were so many times that Jessica couldn't stand Anna's humiliation and she wanted to resist. However, Martha would always stop her and she had been told many times that it was them who destroyed Anna's family, and they didn't have any right to resist.

Damn it!

Jessica's mom didn't know how she went through her life from when she was 8 to 18.

She suddenly feel that her tears were about to drop. But she raised her head a little bit to hold the tears back. She didn't want to be that weak.

"Anna Wilson, my mom and I didn't reply on you a very long time ago. I would never put up with you like what I did before! I would pay the slap back to you someday!"

"Pay the slap back to me?" Anna opened her eyes unbelievably.

All of a sudden, the warm tea was splashed on Jessica's face by Anna.

What was happening seemed to be still at that moment.

And the door was opened.

Louis walked out from the restroom elegantly with a dark face.

Anna's anger vanished immediately and smiled brightly at Louis. Then she got closer to him and said in a flirtatious tone, "Louis, are you OK? Your secretary just went too far. But I taught her a lesson already. You should fire her."

Louis didn't say anything but peeked at Jessica.

He saw that her hair, face, even her collar was dripping.

A few of tea leaves were still left on her cheek. She looked like a disaster.

Her small and delicate face was pale and she didn't look that proud compared with previous time.

Louis raised his eyebrows slightly and he smiled.

For the first time, he didn't ask Anna to stop holding his arms and said in a lower voice, "I want to fire her and hire a new secretary. Anna, do you have anyone who is suitable for this job?"

After hearing what he said, Anna was so delighted.

And she rubbed his arms with her body on purpose and stayed closer to him.


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