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Little Cute Wife novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Went Shopping Crazily after Leaving Hospital

Louis wasn't satisfied with the words she said, "Jessica, can you just talk like a girl and try to be elegant?"

"Fine, Joyce is elegant and she is the daughter of the Mayor. Why not find her and talk to her?" she said and stopped him talking.

He lapsed into silence and he felt a bit dizzy. He couldn't ask her to help him if he didn't feel dizzy at night.

He was dragged his leg which was in a cast and he moved very slowly.

Jessica helped him to the bathroom door, and she turned on the light.

"You can get in."

Louis didn't say a word.

She turned back and yawned and she was about to go back to the sofa and continued her sleep. But she heard a voice from the bathroom suddenly.

"I…" Louis hesitated when he was saying something. But finally he said it directly, "come over…"

"What's wrong?" Jessica couldn't help sighing and she went back to him and she made fun of him and said, "Do you want me to help you when you are peeing? How old are you, kid?"

Then she went inside the bathroom.

Jessica saw that Louis was standing in front of the urinal though he was injured; he still looked like a king.

She sighed and thought that he would cause a war among the girls. He didn't need to say a word but he could just stand there that lots of girls would be attracted by him.

"Can you just help me get my thing out? I can't do that myself." He said calmly.


Help him get the thing out?

Jessica took a deep breath.

She opened her eyes wide, and stared at Louis's hands which were bounded with gauze unbelievably.

She tried to calm herself down and digested what he was saying to her.

He lifted his eyebrows and showed and evil smile, "Just do it. According to the additional condition, you must obey what I say, do you forget?"

There was a glimmer of success in his eyes.

But Jessica could only feel that her heart was pounding so fast.

"I also said that you can't use your power to…"

"Harass you, right?" Louis cut in what she was saying. "I know, but Jessica, I am not the one who is harassing you. I am the one who was being harassed!"

Jessica suddenly realized that she was again fooled by him!

She gnashed her teeth and walked closer to him with puffed cheeks. Then she pulled out some tissues and wrapped her hands with those tissues.

Louis wasn't happy.

"What the hell?" Louis who was always that elegant couldn't help saying dirty words and Jessica knew that what she did was hurting his self-esteem. He grinded his teeth and squinted, "Jessica Wilson, I don't care your hands are dirty, but how dare you!"

There were so many girls who wanted to touch his thing, but how could she thought it was a torture to her?

How his thing could be humiliated by such a silly woman. She cleaned and disinfected her teeth last time, but now she was wrapping her hands with tissues!

Louis was pissed off.

Jessica had a glance at his gloomy face and she felt it so fun. Then she smiled at him and waving her hand which was wrapped with tissue. "Mr. Carter, you are a fanatic for cleanliness. And I am also a bit fussy about that thing."

She emphasized the words "that thing". And she smiled as bright as the sun.

Then she used her hand which was wrapped with tissues to unzip his pants and carefully…

The next morning, Jessica went to bed so late because of Louis so that she didn't want to wake up in the early morning until she was woken up by the noise.

A few of doctors and nurse came in the VIP ward.

They were standing around Louis.

The nurses were busy in binding up the wounds.

And the doctors were busy in examining his body carefully.

"Mr. Carter, all the indexes are normal and your wounds are not serious but your wounds can't touch water or they would become inflamed. Besides, the wound on your leg is the most serious, and I suggest you to stay in hospital for a few more days. Mr. Carter, are you sure that you are leaving hospital today?"

Before Louis answered the doctor's question, Jessica cut in in a husky voice.

"Leaving hospital today?"

Jessica got up from the sofa immediately and her hair was so messy. She rushed to Louis by stepping on her slippers.

She had a drowsy look and gazed at Louis the gorgeous man who already dressed tidily and combed his hard so well.

"Louis Car…" She peeked at the nurses around then corrected herself and said in a lower voice, "Mr. Carter, are you leaving hospital today?"

Louis peeked at her messy hair and he frowned. But he glanced at her drowsy look with pink cheeks, he thought she was cute and her eyes were so bright and pure.


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