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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 378

Gabrielle was mad at Westley, but now, she couldn't bring herself to be mad at him.

He was always capable of dissuading her just when she was about to explode with anger, and it always forced her to stifle her anger.

Gabrielle hated this. She felt as though Westley had some sort of off switch in hand. He could just press it and her anger would disappear. To her, this was certainly not favorable.

It had been clear to her for a long time that he was a dangerous man. The closer she got to him, the more dangerous he would become.

But Gabrielle never gave up on him. Instead of fleeing from the danger, she wanted to get even closer to Westley.

On the surface, some people looked very dangerous. But in reality, they were gentle and inexplicably charming.

Gabrielle took one look at him and in that instance, she fell for his cold, handsome face.

A man like him was born to attract many people's attention. Even though she was trying not to look at him, she would sometimes find herself looking his way.

"Are you satisfied with what you're seeing?" Westley teased.

Each time she stared at him, he would notice it even while driving.

Gabrielle was looking at him in secret, but when he said that he noticed, she immediately panicked. It wasn't great to be caught staring.

"What did you say?" She looked out the window instinctively before staring back at Westley.

Naturally, he knew that she was just pretending to be ignorant, but he knew what she was doing.

She had been staring at him, but she still had the gall to play the fool despite being caught.

"Are you satisfied with your man's face?" Westley asked in a joking manner.

This time, Gabrielle didn't attempt to hide anything and burst into laughter.

"Westley, don't you have any confidence in your looks?"

"I do, but it's different when you're happy with how I look. I want to know what you think of me." A smirk appeared on his lips and one could see the happiness in his eyes.

Westley never doubted how handsome he was. After all, wherever he went, people would stare at him.

But Gabrielle's opinion mattered above all else.

Beauty lay in the eyes of the beholder.

So, by that logic, the same face could appear different in each person's point of view.

Some people might like it, and others might not.

Westley wasn't that vain about his appearance. To him, his personality was most important.

But for some reason, in front of Gabrielle, he couldn't help but be mindful of everything about himself.

Thus, it was important for him to know her opinion on how he looked.

"There's no reason to worry, Westley. I'm not dissatisfied with your face. Stop at the next intersection," said Gabrielle.

Having heard her say that, Westley chuckled before pulling over.

"Gabrielle, will you be going back to your studio this afternoon?" Westley asked as he stared at her.

After getting off the car, Gabrielle glanced back at him. "I'll be home early tonight."

She wasn't sure if she should go to the studio in the afternoon. As a special intern, she really didn't have to go to the studio if she h

ad something more important to do.


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