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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102

The situation was getting worse.

Andrew took out his blade.

He knew he had to fight.

Otherwise, they would lose the war.


He roared and rushed forward with the blade.

Tiger licked the blood on his lips and grinned, "Let me handle this guy."

After he said that, he rushed to Andrew.

Bang! With a huge bang, Andrew and Tiger hit each other.

Andrew was thrown back by the great force.


Andrew landed on the ground and stared at Tiger in disbelief.

Tiger snorted, "A warrior? No wonder you can become the king of the underworld.

Unfortunately, you meet a stronger enemy!"

Andrew's face turned pale as he heard this.

He had defeated all kinds of enemies on the East Coast.

But today, he met the real enemy.

And he knew he couldn't defeat this enemy! "Die!"

Though he was no match for Tiger, he had no other choice.

He roared and rushed to Tiger again.

Tiger sneered with disdain.

A warrior was like an ant to him.


Tiger shouted and returned to the fight.

Whoosh! The blade flashed over when they hit.

Andrew stopped there.

His face turned deadly pale.

He tried to turn around and stared at Tiger with his mouth wide open.

Blood gushed out of his neck.



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