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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Chris Shelby laughed and said, "Ha ha ha, I was wondering what Roger was doing with so many people – it turns out you all came here to die!"

"You..." Although Roger had brought hundreds of fighters himself, Chris was still so arrogant. It pissed off Roger badly.

"Chris Shelby, don't be arrogant. I brought a caster fighter today, and you're dead today!" Roger gritted his teeth.

"But where is the caster you speak of?" Chris glanced at Tod Milton next to Roger and said disdainfully, "Please don't tell me it's the dwarf next to you."

Tod's face changed suddenly, and his murderous aura permeated everywhere.

He was indeed a short man, and he had always been taboo about any comments about his height. When Chris called him midget right in his face, he felt insulted.

"Chris Shelby, you..."

"Dead men will never speak!" Tod said impatiently, when he saw that Roger wanted to chirp.

"You are right!" Roger heard Tod's words and waved, "Take Chris Shelby's life, guys!"

"Take Chris Shelby's life!" After a roar, hundreds of Roger's fighters rushed toward Chris and his men.

Chris didn't say anything but glanced at Tiger.

Tiger waved his hand and said, "Go!" In an instant, thirty shadows flew out.

With a loud bang, thirty royal guards and hundreds of Jefferson fighters engaged.

Chris took out a wine glass, and Tiger respectfully poured him some red wine. He shook the glass gently, and the wine inside was as red as blood. He took a sip, and the taste was very mellow.

He liked to drink when he killed. It boiled the blood all over the body.

Three minutes later, the thirty royal guards retreated with expressionless faces. They did not say anything, as if they were a group of cold killing machines.


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