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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Chris Shelby narrowed his eyes. "No wonder! Even a third-class family dares to be so arrogant. It seems that the Jefferson family from Middleton is trying to court death! It is a perfect opportunity to remove the Pinkerton underworld once and for all!"

He said sharply. "Tiger, send another thirty royal guards here!"

"Yes, Master!" Tiger resolutely turned around and left to make arrangements.

Chris lit a cigarette, took a puff, and went downstairs. He would like to see who did not fear death and dared to come and find trouble for himself.


There were constant screams from the door, and more than a dozen security guards were all knocked to the ground by Finn Jackson, crying non-stop.

Finn gave them a disdainful look and said, "Dare to stand in my way, you are looking for trouble!" After saying this, he was about to rush in with his men.

"Stop! Who are you guys? You dare to break in our place in broad daylight - would you not be afraid I will call the police?" Just then, Esther Jefferson stepped out and asked snappily.

Finn looked at Esther and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Esther said, "I am from the Jefferson family and I'm the head of the Pinkerton branch of Chester Group. Who are you?"

"So, you're one of the East Coast Jeffersons."

Finn sneered. "Listen, Mr. Will sent me! This time, we are kicking your family out of Pinkerton!"

"Mr. Will?" Esther frowned.

Sam Jefferson, on the side, immediately explained with a shocked expression, "President, Mr. Will is the overlord of the Pinkerton underworld. No one dares to mess with him in Pinkerton. It looks like we are in trouble this time!"

Sam's words made Esther feel apprehensive.

They would certainly do whatever it took for their purposes. What should she even do to confront their aggressive approach?

Esther had just established herself in Pinkerton and was really reluctant to go back to the East Coast at the moment.

"You want us to get out of Pinkerton? I wonder if you have the ability?"


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