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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227: The Treasure Vault

Others were also engaged in fierce battles with the giant stone statues. Two Grandmaster-level practitioners teamed up to attack one of the statues. To their surprise, the statue did not dodge their attacks at all. Their swords and knives struck the statue, only to produce a shower of sparks without causing any damage.

Seeing this, the two Grandmasters turned pale. They tried to retreat, but the stone statue punched them before they could react. With a loud bang, both were turned into a mist of blood. Blood, flesh, and intestines covered the ground, creating an extremely gruesome scene. Many who witnessed it couldn't help but retch.

It was horrifying-truly horrifying! Watching two Grandmasters get killed, Peterson Abernathy's face darkened. Those two Grandmasters were from the Abernathy family. He hadn't expected them to die at the hands of these stone statues.

Peterson Abernathy shouted, "All Grandmaster-level practitioners fall back! Let Chief Master-level practitioners handle these stone statues." It became clear that sending Grandmasters against the statues was futile. Only Chief Master-level practitioners could withstand their attacks.

As time passed, the battle grew more intense. Chris Shelby was being attacked by three stone statues at once. Despite his formidable strength, he was forced to retreat step by step. Although these stone statues only had Chief Master-level strength, their defense was astonishingly strong. Killing them was no easy task.

Fortunately, these statues had a fatal weakness: they were mere puppets without intelligence. Chris Shelby stopped confronting them head-on and adopted a hit-and-run tactic. Before long, he gained the upper hand against the three statues. Others observed his strategy and began to imitate it.

Suddenly, a dull thud echoed from nearby. Chris Shelby turned to see Devil's Frown being punched away by one of the stone statues. Devil's Frown crashed heavily to the ground, spewing a mouthful of blood and clearly gravely injured. Despite being a Transcendence-level practitioner, Devil's Frown couldn't withstand the statue's incredible defense and was caught off guard.

As Devil's Frown lay on the ground, the stone statue approached him step by step, raising its fist to strike him down. In despair, Devil's Frown closed his eyes, knowing he would surely die from this blow. Facing death filled him with fear because he still had an unfulfilled wish: to rebuild Ghost Sect! He hadn't expected to lose his life in Jefferson Village.

Seeing Devil's Frown about to be killed, Chris Shelby didn't hesitate. He abandoned the three stone statues he was fighting and instantly vanished from his spot.

Just as Devil's Frown awaited death, a figure rushed over. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Chris Shelby blocking the statue's attack with his sword.


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