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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229: The Saber-Toothed Tiger

After enduring countless hardships, the group finally reached the eighth palace. They were just one step away from the ninth palace. At this moment, almost everyone was injured. Along the way, they encountered numerous formations, including illusion formations, killing formations, trapping formations, and five-element formations. The five-element formations tested the attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Fortunately, under Chris Shelby's leadership, not many people died. However, many were still wounded. Luckily, they were all cultivators; as long as the injuries weren't too severe, their lives weren't in danger.

Chris Shelby glanced at Tiger and the others and hesitated before saying, "The test in the eighth palace will surely be extremely dangerous. This time, you shouldn't accompany me."

Hearing this, Tiger's face turned anxious. "Boss, wherever you go, we go. Please don't abandon us!"

"We swear to follow the boss to death!"

"We swear to follow the boss to death!"

"We swear to follow the boss to death!"

Hundreds of royal guards knelt down and shouted in unison.

Seeing this, Chris Shelby sighed deeply. These royal guards were loyal and unwavering.

Chris Shelby said helplessly, "You've seen the dangers along the way. The last two palaces will be even more perilous. Even I am not sure if I can survive."

Chris Shelby wasn't exaggerating. The House of Rainstorms had been incredibly bizarre. Everyone had narrowly escaped death multiple times. Surviving until now was extremely fortunate.

"Boss!" Tiger gritted his teeth and said, "If something happens to you, we won't live alone either. From the moment we followed you, we secretly vowed that as long as you live, we will always follow you. If you die, we will die with you!"

Hearing this filled Chris Shelby's heart with emotion. He knew that no matter what he said, Tiger and the others wouldn't change their minds.

"If that's the case, then come with me!"

Then Chris Shelby and his group arrived at the entrance of the eighth palace. Upon entering the eighth palace, they were all stunned by what they saw.

Chris Shelby's face showed a peculiar expression because before them was a vast primeval forest. This reminded Chris Shelby of the primeval forest they encountered in Manson Jefferson's tomb. The similarity between Manson Jefferson's tomb and this ancient tomb made him wonder if Manson Jefferson had been here before and designed his tomb based on this ancient one.

Although Chris Shelby couldn't be certain, he speculated that Manson Jefferson had a close relationship with the House of Rainstorms.

Peterson Abernathy walked over and asked, "Chris Shelby, is this an illusion?"

Everything before them was too incredible-a vast primeval forest inside an ancient tomb seemed unbelievable to everyone. They thought it might be another illusion because previous illusions had left a deep impression on them.

However, Chris Shelby shook his head. Everything here felt very real; it wasn't an illusion.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the test of the eighth palace. But I don't know how to pass it," Chris Shelby said with a bitter smile.

Daniel Williams approached and snorted coldly, "Whether it's an illusion or not, we have no choice but to try."

With only one step away from the ninth palace, no one would give up now.

Chapter 1229: The Saber-Toothed Tiger 1

Chapter 1229: The Saber-Toothed Tiger 2


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