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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Tiger chucked, "What a good battle. I haven't had this for a while."

The rest of the leaders then looked at each other and got fuming.

The anger in their eyes was burning.

This person was against them alone, but he wasn't taking them seriously at all.

"Let's kill him."

All the leaders then rushed toward Tiger together.

The battle was getting heated.

Tiger never stopped laughing and punching.

The leaders started falling one by one with every punch of Tiger.

Chris could not help shaking his head.

As one of the four generals, Tiger was a battle maniac.

This was why Chris brought Tiger along this time.

Tiger could easily take down these underworld trash.

Wade's expression turned gloomy when he sensed that the eighteen leaders could not stand against Tiger.

"Mr. Will, let me handle them."

Finn walked forward and suggested.

Wade glanced at Finn and answered, "There is no need for that! You are injured and you won't stand against him."

Finn got silent.

He was punched away by Tiger before and knew he would be asking for death if he came forward this time.

Finn then asked, "What should we do now?"

Wade heaved a sigh, "They were unstoppable. We are doomed today."

He then stared at Finn, "Finn, I got a task for you."

Finn asked seriously, "Mr. Will, what is that? I will get it done!"

Wade answered, "Leave now and go to Sealand right away. Find my brother and let him seek revenge for me."

Finn got anxious, "How can I leave you at this time …"

Wade shouted, "Go or all of us will die here! Do you want me to die just like that with regrets?"

"Yes, Mr. Will!"


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