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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Chris Shelby wanted to eradicate Wade Will and others, and the forces behind them.

Only in this way could the entire Amerosia be restored to a clean world, and the ordinary people could truly live a peaceful life!


Chester Group quickly gained a foothold in Pinkerton after rooting out Wade Will and others. No one dared to trouble the Chester Group - after all, Wade Will was dead.

After some time, the Chester Group had taken complete control of the Pinkerton branch, and Esther Jefferson was ready to return to the East Coast.

Above all, the East Coast was the home to the Chester Group!

Esther told Sam, "Sam, you are the head of the Pinkerton branch after I leave. Remember, when we do business, we must abide by the law, do you understand?"

Sam nodded solemnly. "Understood. Ms. Esther, don't worry, I will do as you say!"

Now Sam just wanted to work for Chester Group wholeheartedly.

After a period of inspection, Esther decided to hand over the branch to Sam.

Esther nodded in satisfaction. "Very well! Then we will be on our way!"

Chris opened the car door, and Esther got in.

There was a rumble of the car and Esther and the others were gone.

"Safe travel, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby!" Sam looked at the backs of Esther and the others leaving and shouted respectfully with all the branch staff.

In the car, Chris asked, "Babe, now that Chester Group has a firm foothold in Pinkerton, what are your plans for the next step?"

Esther shook his head. "I am not sure yet. I will discuss it with Dad after I go back. And then we will have a meeting to discuss the company's next strategy."

Chris laughed. "Baby, no matter what you do or where you are, I will always support you."


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