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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134

After greeting Susan Jefferson, James Mester said to Chris Shelby with a respectful face, "Mr. Shelby, congratulations!"

"Thank you!" Chris nodded, "Come on, let's go in!" Then, he and James entered the hotel.

After Chris left, in the dark corner outside the hotel, a pair of cold eyes appeared.

According to the investigation, Paco Wayne found Tod Milton was hired by the Pinkerton Jeffersons. They wanted him to handle the Jeffersons on the East Coast. But Tod vanished.

So the Jefferson family on the East Coast most likely killed Tod!

And Paco also learned that the Jeffersons' rapid rise on the East Coast was all because of their son-in-law, Chris Shelby! Therefore, he could be one hundred percent sure that Chris was the one who killed Tod!

Watching Chris leave, Paco said coldly. "You killed my brother. Tonight, I will turn the birthday party into your funeral!"


"A diamond swan from the master of the Collins family, wishing Ms. Hope a splendid and promising life!"

"An amusement park from Mr. James Mester, wishing Ms. Hope happiness all her life!"

"A luxury baby carriage, wishing Ms. Hope a joyful celebration..."

Hope Jefferson appeared in the middle of the stage, receiving everyone's blessing.

Those presents were all from prominent figures in East Coast, and the gifts they gave were worth a fortune.

Chris smiled and announced to everyone, "Thank you for coming to my daughter's birthday party, and now I announce that the party begins!"

Afterward, a six-layer cake was served. The whole cake was three meters high. There were six lit candles on it, representing Hope turning six today!

The birthday cake was specially designed by and made by a well-known domestic pastry chef hired by Chris.


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