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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Tiger nodded and waved his hand.

A thousand guards rushed towards the hill like ghosts.


In the main hall of Octave, Wood, the leader of Octave and the most powerful warrior in Janesville, was a little anxious.

"Has Paco Wayne come back?"

He asked the people in the hall.

An elder reported respectfully, "By your orders, Paco went to investigate Tod's death on East Coast. He may be back today."

Wood nodded.

Paco was his favorite disciple.

He became a hybrid at such a young age.

Also, he was the leader of the young generation in Octave.

Nobody on East Coast could stop him!

"Ask him to report to me when he comes back."


Just after he finished his words, a disciple was thrown into the hall.


All the elders in the hall stood up in shock.

Wood asked loudly, "What happened?"

The disciple who was thrown in got up and said in a weak voice, "Emergency. Enemies are coming to us!"


After he finished his words, he spat out blood.

Then, he fell again and was dead.

"Who is it? How dare they offend Octave? Do they want to die?"

"Octave is the most powerful sect in Janesville. Who dare to offend us?"

"Come on. Let's go out to see who is so brave."

All the elders in the hall stood up and walked outside.

Octave was the most powerful sect in Janesville.

Nobody had ever offended them like this.

That was a shame for Octave!

Wood's face turned dark.


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