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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148

"You! You! I won't forget you! We will meet again!"

Chandler then left being held by his thugs after he threatened Chris.

Lindsay and George were dumbfounded when they saw Chris slapping Chandler's face.

Who on earth was he?

Did he even know who Chandler was? He was basically dominating Shandale. Wasn't he scared of any troubles later?

After Chandler was kicked away, Chris smiled at Lindsay, "All right. Your trouble is over now."

Lindsay looked grateful, "Thank you!"

Esther pulled Lindsay's hand and said, "Don't mention it. We are friends now."


Lindsay nodded heavily. She just felt that she was incredibly lucky.

She was in a pit before and was fortunate to meet Chris and Esther to help her out.

George suddenly heaved a sigh, "George, I've decided to shut down the Sparks Group. You got to get another job."

Lindsay was shocked, "Why is that? Boss? Isn't the company running smoothly?"

George was upset, "Thought Chandler was kicked away this time, he won't leave the matter at that. He will come at me again. I'm just a businessman. I couldn't afford to mess with a big shot like Chandler."

George almost got killed this time.

He didn't want to become a corpse the next time.

"But …"

Lindsay looked worried.

Now that George had decided to shut down the Sparks Group and she had offended Chandler, she wouldn't be hired by any entertainment companies in Shandale.

All the effort she just made before to get popular would be flushed down the toilet.

Chris suddenly asked, "How about selling the company to me?"

George was surprised, "Selling you the company?"


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