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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150

The grey-clad senior then remained silent.

After all, this is a family matter and he was in no position to judge.

Derek asked. "Is there anything strange in Wizards recently?"

The senior answered, "According to our source, the Wizards are chaotic now. They are colluding with some white and grey areas in Shandale secretly, especially the four families. They seemed to be staging a comeback."

Derek sneered and said, "Well, they still don't want to give up, huh?"

The senior reminded Derek, "Mater, we got to be cautious, especially the four families. If they collude with Wizards, we will be in big trouble."

Derek thought for a while and answered, "Mr. Grey, I'm thinking about hosting a dinner party. Send the invitations to all the white and grey areas and the four families. I'd like to see who dared not to show up."

He got ferocious as he made the order.

The senior nodded, "Got it, Mater. I'm on it."

"Master Bing!"

Finn suddenly barged in at the same time.

He knelt in front of Derek and asked, "I'm wondering when will you seek revenge for Mr. Will?"

Derek looked at Finn and looked slightly impatient.

Finn was constantly pestering him to seek revenge for Wade.

But how could he get the time to seek revenge for Wade when the Shandale was so unstable?

Derek answered lightly, "Finn, don't be so hurried. We will talk about it later. You can stay in Shandale for a while. I will for sure seek revenge for Wade later."

"But …"

Finn wanted to add something, but Derek had left and walked into the mansion.

Finn was disappointed watching Derek's back.

He meant to let Derek kill Chris these days, but Derek won't take any action.


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