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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Doom of The Jefferson Family

It was not over yet.

The sound of the engine appeared again. One hundred helicopters sped over in the sky.

The wind caused by the propellers blew the dust and stones on the ground.

A huge transport helicopter gradually landed.

All the lights lit up. The darkness of the night was gone.

Hundreds of soldiers came with the red carpet.

They put it from the gate to the helicopter.

The door of the helicopter finally opened.

A man in a military suit got out of it.

A mysterious pattern was embroidered on his suit, and there were five golden stars on his shoulder.

The light made everyone see his face clearly.

It was just Chris Shelby!

He looked so domineering. Nobody dared to face his eyes.


Five thousand soldiers greeted him at the same time.

The strong aura made all the people here nervous. They subconsciously bowed their heads.

Chris kept his head up and looked down at everyone.

Five years ago, he was forced to leave.

Five years later, he finally came back!


Chris walked over step by step on the red carpet.

"That's impossible!"


"Is he the Primus?"

The Jeffersons and the Collins looked at Chris with their mouths wide open.


That man finally came. Esther rushed to him.

"What's going on? Did anyone hurt you?"

Chris saw the tears on Esther's face. He asked with a sullen face.


In Chris's arms, Esther told him everything.

"Ha... The Jefferson family... How dare you!"

After hearing Esther's words, Chris became furious.

"Seven days ago, I asked you to kneel and apologize to Esther, or there would no longer be the Jefferson family."

"Now it is time, but you still dare to force Esther. What a crime!"


As he said this, his soldiers raised their rifles and aimed at the Jeffersons.

"Chris Shelby! What do you want? Are you really going to kill us?"

Patrick shouted through his gritted teeth,


A bullet punctured his leg.

Patrick cried in pain and finally got to his knees.

Nobody dared to move. They were all scared.

Henry asked in fear, "Chris, what do you want?"

"It is time. You wasted seven days. Now you must die!"

"Come on. Take them out and execute them all."

Chris ordered with a cold face.

The air seemed to be frozen by his cold aura.

"Yes, Master!"

Tens of soldiers rushed to the Jeffersons and arrested them all.

"Chris, please! Spare my life!"

Felix knelt down and begged Chris first. He didn't want to die.

"It's all his fault! It's him! He forced Esther to give us the invitation and divorce you!"

"We have nothing to do with this!"


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