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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 351

Chapter 351

And Howard was the future heir of the Sample family!

Chris said those words in such a tone, showing no respect for Shane at all!

Facing Shane and his son's bad faces, Chris looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

Esther began to feel curious.

Normally, Chris wouldn't act like this.

He was polite to the elders.

What was wrong with him today?

There seemed to be something wrong with the Sample family!

Chris sneered when he saw their faces.

Didn't Shane want to try his power?

He would like to let him do that.

For a moment, the two of them became silent.

The invisible coldness made the atmosphere intense.

In an instant, it was freezing cold!

"Wow, so much delicious food!"

Suddenly, a woman's voice came again!

Susan walked over and marveled at the food on the table!

When she saw Chris sitting on the main seat, she was displeased and said, "Chris, you are such an impolite man! I haven't even sat down. How dare you sit there? Let me sit there!"

After saying that, Susan pushed Chris out of the seat!

Everyone was stunned.

Was Susan really stupid?

Chris didn't even want to talk.

After all, Susan was his mother-in-law, so it was reasonable for her to sit on the main seat.

But she was not at home!

Chris had no choice but to find another seat.

Esther covered her eyes with her hands.

She was so ashamed that she didn't even want to look at Susan anymore.

Shane and Howard were the angriest ones.

Their faces were sullen, and their eyes were burning with anger.

They could endure Chris sitting on that seat.

But how could Susan sit there?


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