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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 355

Chapter 355

"Huh!" Susan snorted, "Remember your promise. Then I'll wait for you to win one billion dollars!"

"Honey, don't do that!"

Esther tugged at Chris's clothes and said worriedly, "I heard that Mr. Sample is very good at gambling. No one has ever won him."

Chris smiled and comforted her, "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing!"

Hearing this, Esther stopped persuading.

She knew that Chris wouldn't let her worry about him.

Shane asked again, "Mr. Shelby, what kind of bet are we going to make?"

Chris smiled and said, "Be patient. We are going to see it soon!"

Seeing the mysterious look on Chris's face, Shane suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just then, a servant came in a hurry.

"Sir, the head of the Jefferson family is here to visit you!"

Shane turned around and stared at Chris. He couldn't believe it at all!

Thinking of what Chris had just said, he was completely shocked.

How did Chris know that he had invited Wilford?

Could he foresee this?

Before Shane asked, Chris said, "The bet finally comes. Mr. Sample, let them in!"

Shane took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He said to the servant in a low voice, "Bring the Jefferson family here. Hurry!"

"Yes, sir!"

The servant left without hesitation.

After the servant left, Shane stared at Chris, gritted his teeth, and asked, "Mr. Shelby, how did you know that Wilford would come?"


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