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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Wilford had never been humiliated like this. He roared loudly when he spoke.

"Chris Shelby, you humiliate me like this. You must die!"

With a roar, Wilford suddenly burst out his strong aura.

He was a grandmaster!

He clenched his fists and threw a punch at Chris.

However, Chris was expressionless, neither surprised nor scared. His eyes were calm, which made onlookers feel chilly.

He even laughed.

There was contempt, disdain, and mockery in his smile.

Chris also gave Wilford a punch.


The two fists collided!

With a loud bang, Wilford was thrown backward very quickly.

As for Chris, he was still sitting in his chair.

Shane's pupils contracted when he saw this.

Chris was so powerful and terrifying!

Even Wilford was no match for him.

No wonder he was so arrogant tonight. It turned out that he had nothing to fear!

"Dad!" Wendy ran to Wilford.


Wilford was thrown out of the hall and fell heavily to the ground.

He couldn't help spitting out blood.

Wendy asked in a hurry, "Dad, are you okay?"

Wendy's heart ached when she saw her father be hurt like this!

Wilford shook his head and said, "I'm fine!"

He had never fought with Chris before.

Now, he finally knew Chris's powerful strength with just a punch.

No wonder Chris dared to be so arrogant. He destroyed all the forces against him in Janesville, Shandale, Chalford, and Jorshton.

It was unbelievable that he was so powerful and young!


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