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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Wilford just wanted to see how Chris would kill him within ten minutes.

Ten minutes.

Eight minutes.

Seven minutes.

Soon there were only three minutes left.

Three minutes later, it would be ten o'clock!

At this time, Wilford was still as healthy as before.

Anyway, he didn't look like a person who was going to die.

Staring at Chris, Wilford gritted his teeth and said, "Chris, it's almost ten o'clock now. I'm still alive. What else do you want to say?"

With a playful smile, Shane said, "Mr. Shelby, it seems that you are destined to lose this bet. In that case, I will take over Grape Casino!"

He was so happy in his heart.

As the King of Gambling, he had never lost.

After saying that, Shane turned to look at Wilford and said, "Mr. Jefferson when I win the Grape Casino, I will give it to you as a gift."

Wilford was overjoyed. "Thank you, Mr. Sample. We will never forget your great kindness to the Jefferson family!"

Everyone smiled and toasted peacefully.

Wendy looked at Chris with mockery.

In their opinion, Chris would definitely lose this time!

Facing the scornful gazes of the crowd, Chris remained indifferent.

He finished a piece of steak, picked up a tissue, and wiped his mouth calmly.

The whole process made him look so gentle.

Even a real aristocrat might not be able to be so elegant.

Then Chris picked up a glass of wine and shook it.

The red wine was as red as blood.

Under the light, a strange color flashed.

He took a sip and said, "It's the time!"


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