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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380

What a monster!

Chris came to Shane step by step.

Whenever he took a step forward, Shane's heart trembled.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shane couldn't help shivering in fear!

He shouted in horror, "Don't come to me! No!"

He was really scared by Chris's power.

He had tried his best, but he was still no match for Chris.

Now he could do nothing else.

He was just waiting for Chris's judge.

Looking at Shane, Chris grinned.

Seeing this smile, Shane shivered all over his body.

It was the devil's smile!

No, this man was even more terrible than a devil!

Chris smiled and said, "Shane Sample, you still have the last chance!"


Shane raised his head and looked at Chris in disbelief.

Chris had made such a big plan. Was he really willing to let Shane go?

Chris said coldly, "As long as you give up the properties of the Sample family, I won't kill you."

The Sample family had shocking properties.

Chris wanted the properties.

But Shane Sample was a smart man. Even if Chris killed him, Chris might not be able to find all the properties of the Sample family.

It was better to let him go, as long as Shane surrendered and let Chris take all the properties.


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