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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 385

Chapter 385

Michael turned his head around.

With a cold face, Chris punched him hard.

Chris's punch was unstoppable.

Michael turned around in a hurry and wanted to stop Chris's fist.


A loud bang separated the two.

Michael took a few steps back, blood gushing out of his mouth!

He realized he was no match for Chris, so he decided to run.

Chris was too powerful for Michael to resist.

If Michael continued the fight, he would definitely be killed here.

Michael stepped back and caught Shane.

Shane was totally confused!

He didn't expect that even Guardian Michael was no match for Chris.

What a horrible monster Chris was!

Before Shane came back to his senses, he was caught by Michael.

Michael turned around and stared at Chris. "Boy, I remember your face. You offended the Ghost Sect. No one can save you."

After saying that, Michael carried Shane and left quickly.

"Go and catch him!"

Leif ordered the patrols to catch them.

A group of armed soldiers listened to the order and left.

But Michael was too fast.

They couldn't catch up with him at all!

As for Chris, he stood there with a serious face.

He didn't chase Michael.

He didn't even know who that guy was.

Michael appeared so suddenly and was quite powerful.

He could actually block Chris's fist and didn't die.


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