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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Chris was a little surprised.

Tiger was one of the four generals.

He had his own power and wide connections.

Even he couldn't get any information about Ghost Sect.

Ghost Sect was so mysterious. It should be a hidden force with great power.

This time, Master William asked Chris to clean the underworld forces of the entire Amerosia. Did this task have anything to do with the Ghost Sect?

Seeing the serious expression on Chris's face, Tiger cautiously asked, "Master, do you need me to investigate it again?"

Chris waved his hand and said, "No. Forget about the Ghost Sect. I believe it will come to light sooner or later!"

He had an intuition that the mysterious Ghost Sect might be one of his big enemies in the future.

Since he couldn't find any information about it, he would just wait for its showing up.

The evil would get what it deserved when it showed up again.

Thinking of this, Chris closed his eyes to cover the coldness in them.

The next day, the international airport of Gambling City was guarded by thousands of soldiers.

A luxury private plane stopped on the runway.

When Chris came to Gambling City, he took a military plane because he had been in a hurry.

Now, everything was settled, and there was no hurry. Definitely, Chris chose the more comfortable way to go back.

The private plane was just much more comfortable than the military plane.

"Goodbye, Master."

Leif led his adjutant and patrols to the airport to see Chris off.

Chris patted Leif on the shoulder and said earnestly, "After I leave, you have to try your best to maintain the order of Gambling City. Don't let the evil forces rise again, and don't let the next King of Gambling appear. Do you understand?"

Although Chris had solved the problem, he didn't want the next underworld boss to appear.

If so, all his efforts today would be in vain.

Leif nodded seriously and said, "Master, I understand."

Leif didn't want to be a puppet anymore.

He wouldn't allow the next ruler of the underworld to rise.

"Remember. I will keep an eye on you!"


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