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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 396

Chapter 396

If Ben didn't kill Wendy, there would be more and more traitors who betrayed the family.

Aaron nodded and said, "Yes, sir. I'll give a hunting order right away!"

Ben waved his hand and said, "Good. You can leave now!"

"Yes, sir."

Aaron left.

Ben's face turned sullen again.

He murmured, "Chris Shelby, who the hell are you?"

It seemed that Chris suddenly appeared from nowhere.

He was powerful and aggressive. Everyone who dared to be against him would be killed.

Now the Watson family had offended Chris.

There was no room for reconciliation between the two sides.

Ben had to find a way to defeat Chris.

Otherwise, the Watson family would be the one to lose.

At the same time, in the study in the backyard of the Shelby family, Todd raised his head with his hands behind his back.

He quietly looked at the beauty in the painting on the wall.

"Sir, I got the report from the spy. All the people sent by Ben, including Wilford Jefferson, have been killed. Even the first family in Gambling City, the Sample family, has been destroyed by your son."

Bob stood behind Todd and reported.

Todd turned around and said with a smile, "Good boy. He deserves to be my son. He mercilessly defeats every enemy. Wherever he goes, there will be fights."

Todd was very satisfied with Chris's performance.

As his son, Chris was as domineering as him.

Only the man who could do whatever he wanted was a real man.

Bob was speechless.

Todd was a fearless man when he was young.

At that time, he was regarded as the most aggressive young man in Middleton.

He taught so many rich guys lessons and just did whatever he wanted.


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