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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Roger patted him on the shoulder and answered, "Don't worry. I won't forget your contribution. You'll be the general manager."

"Great! Thank you, Roger!"

Patrick got excited after he heard that.

He was just a playboy, and he had never expected that he would become the general manager of the group.

Felix hesitated for a while and then asked, "Roger, who is the chairman?"

They all looked at Roger and waited for the answer.

Roger smiled, "Why are you looking at me? Of course, I'm the chairman. I spent the money, so I should be the chairman. Anyone else wants to be the chairman?"


Felix hurriedly shook his head.

"But Roger, what's my father's position if you are the chairman?"

Felix asked awkwardly.

"Your father?"

Roger turned around and glanced at Henry in the wheelchair. He snorted, "He is useless. He just needs to wait for death at home."

Henry was pissed off by Roger last time, and he got sick after that.

Now he was paralyzed and had to stay in the wheelchair.


Roger's words made Henry angry.

This bastard made him paralyzed and still made fun of him. He wouldn't forget this!

"Roger is right. My grandpa is useless. He is a burden to us. Let's send him to the old people's home and let him live there alone."

Patrick glanced at Henry and suggested.

"Bastard! I'm your grandfather!"

Patrick's words made Henry even angrier.


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