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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61

But he didn't flutter. These people looked fierce. They must be coming to make trouble.

Gary stared at James and snorted, "James Mester, huh? I'm Gray Jefferson from Pinkerton. I'm here to inform you something. You need to make sure we get the project at the bidding tomorrow!"

The bidding would be held tomorrow.

To get the project, Gary chose the most direct and brutal way.

He believed that James wouldn't dare to refuse the request of the Jefferson family.

Pinkerton? Jefferson?

James had heard of this family.

This was a second-class family in Pinkerton.

Normally James would just do as they said.

Although he was the richest man on East Coast, there was still a gap between him and the Jefferson family in Pinkerton.

But now, James had promised Chris to let the Chester Group get the project.

How dared he go back on his words and obey the Jefferson family?

Once he offended Chris, nobody in the world could save him.

What's more, Gary and his men broke in directly without showing any respect to him. How could they do that?

James frowned and said, "No matter who you are, you shouldn't break into my house so impolitely. You still want to get the project in the industrial district. I'm not just some random guy you can easily threaten!"


Gary laughed and said, "You are the richest man on East Coast, but so what? In my eyes, you are just a nobody. Obey us and let us get the project. Then nothing will happen. Otherwise..."

Gary said and his eyes showed his lethal intent.

Felix also stood out and said, "James, a wise man should know clearly about the situation. You'd better obey us. Don't ask for trouble!"

In the past, the Jefferson family on East Coast was just a second-class family that didn't deserve his attention.

But now, Felix was with the Pinkerton Jefferson family. Now it was his turn to look down on James.


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