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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67

With a cold face, Chris said, "You want to break my legs, don't you? I have the same idea as yours!"

"Don't come to me! I'm from the Jefferson family in Pinkerton. If you dare to hurt me, my father won't let you go!"

At this moment, Gary was really scared.

He brought a warrior here, but the warrior was no match for Chris.

How could he fight against Chris?

Chris said in a cold voice, "Your son also said that before, but unfortunately, he was disabled by me!"

"Chris, don't do that!"

Just then, Felix suddenly stood out to protect Gary.

In fact, Felix was also scared!

But he had to stand out.

Chris had disabled Roger before.

If Chris did the same thing to Gary, the Jefferson family would never let them go!

However, Chris didn't care about Felix at all.


He slapped Felix hard and threw him away.

Gary begged Chris, "Please. Let me go. You'll get a lot of money. I'll give you whatever you want!"

Although he pretended to beg for mercy, he hated Chris very much in his heart.

Once he could leave here safely, he would go back to the Jefferson family and find someone to take revenge.


Chris didn't say anything. He kicked Gary hard.


Gary screamed hysterically and got on his knees.

He didn't expect that Chris would really dare to break his legs.

Was Chris really not afraid of the revenge of the Jefferson family?


At the same time, Tiger rushed in with over a hundred soldiers.

"Master, sorry! We are late."

Tiger made a military salute and said to Chris respectfully.

Chris ordered indifferently, "Throw all these bastards out!"


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