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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75

She then just cried out loud, not over sadness, but over pure joy.

Chris wrapped his arms around Esther tightly.

He knew that Esther had suffered a lot over the years and she needed a moment to let off.

After Esther was done crying, Chris helped her to wipe away the tears and soothed her, "Stop crying. Your makeup is ruined."

Esther asked nervously, "Chris, am I ugly now?"

Chris shook his head and smiled, "No, you are always beautiful to me."

Esther could not help smiling.

Chris then shouted to the people outside, "I will have a wedding of the century a month later. I will invite all of you to my wedding!"




People screamed when they heard Chris' words.

At the same time, countless fireworks shot into the sky.

The entire city was lit up with fireworks.

"Let's have dinner."

Chris then held Esther's hand and walked to the dining table.

The dinner was ready at this point.

It was a romantic candlelight dinner.

The Dream Night invited a Michelin chef from France to prepare the dinner specifically for them.

All the materials were air carried from France.

There were Foie gras, tuna sashimi, lobster, etc.

What a luxurious feast.

But Esther didn't even care what she was about to eat. She just felt like she was the happiest woman on earth.

Chris got Esther a glass of wine.

"This is a bottle of 82 Latte air carried from Bordeaux of France. Give it a try."


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