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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The Leader of the Collins Family

Susan was amused by Chris's words.

"Are you crazy?"

"How can a powerless tramp wipe the Jefferson family off the city? Do you know how powerful the Jefferson family is?"

Chris said seriously, "Please trust me. I'm able to destroy them with a simple call."

Susan handed her phone to Chris and mocked, "A simple call? Great. Now let's destroy it. Show me how you are going to do that!"

Chris was stunned.

Indeed, he could destroy the Jefferson family with a simple call.

But he had agreed to give them seven days. As the Primus, how could he go back to his words?

Chris didn't move. Susan snorted, "Look, you can't do it, can you? Don't bluff in front of me. You have to be more honest. Never say these ridiculous words again."

John, who kept quiet all the time, suddenly said, "Alright. Stop talking. The banquet is going to start. Don't let those people laugh at us."

Susan finally closed her mouth as she heard her husband's words.

John looked at Chris and sighed. He didn't say anything.

But the disappointment in his eyes was obvious.

The banquet started.

All the members of the Collins family went to their seats.

The eldest son of the old Mr. Collins, Esther's uncle, Laurence Collins suddenly stopped them.

"You can't eat with us. You better find a seat around the corner."

Esther's parents were stunned as they heard this.

Susan asked angrily, "How can you say that? We are also members of the Collins family!"

Laurence looked at Susan and then snorted coldly, "You've become a member of the Jefferson family since you married your husband. If it weren't for our kindness, you and your husband would have lived on the street."


Susan trembled in anger as she heard this.

She didn't expect that even her brother would look down upon her after she had been expelled.

John, who was well aware of his low status, stopped his wife, "Alright. Let's go to the corner."

Other members all laughed as they saw this.

"You must apologize to my mom!"

At this moment, Chris stood out. He went to Laurence and said with a sullen face.

Laurence looked Chris up and down. Then he sneered, "Who do you think you are? An ungrateful tramp. How dare you bark in front of me? I may kick you guys out of the banquet."

"Chris! Don't !"

Chris wanted to say something but was stopped by Esther.

Esther looked at him with a pitiful face. Chris sighed and had to endure this.

At this time, an old man came out.

The old man was the leader of the Collins family and Esther's grandfather, Michael Collins.

Michael was surprised to see Chris here.


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