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Lord Death Is Now Back Home by Chris novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86

"I killed him!" Chris Shelby said flatly.

It was actually Tiger who killed Felix Jefferson, however, Tiger could not have shot without Chris's order.

"You did … What?" Susan Jefferson was dumbfounded.

The people of the Collins family all looked astonished. The way everyone looked at Chris suddenly changed.

East Coast.

The Drapes.

"Uncle Neel, you must avenge my dad!" Patrick Jefferson knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly.

A middle-aged man sat on a chair, looked at Patrick, and asked angrily, "What happened?"

The middle-aged man was Patrick's uncle, Henry's third son, Neel Jefferson.

Neel started to do nothing when he was a teenager, getting into fights and messing around, which made Henry very angry.

Later, Neel directly joined the East Coast underworld.

Henry, in a fit of rage, kicked Neel out of the Jefferson family. Neel founded the Drapes after leaving. Today, he was already one of the most notorious gangsters in the city.

Patrick cried, "It was all Uncle John's fault! Not only did he take away all our properties but he also asked his son-in-law Chris Shelby to kill my father. And even Grandpa Henry was sent to the nursing home by him. My father's death was a tragedy - you must help my father get his revenge, Uncle Neel!"

Felix got killed, and Patrick had no other choices. For revenge, he suddenly remembered his Uncle Neel.

Neel had a good relationship with Felix from an early age. And after Neel got kicked out of the family, Felix had been secretly helping him. Otherwise, it was impossible for Neel to reach his current status in a short time.

Neel stood up and said angrily, "John … Since you disregarded our brotherhood, killed our brother Felix, and sent my father to the nursing home, you should naturally pay for what you did!"

When he saw Neel's angry face, Patrick was overjoyed.


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