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Lost in Mr. Preston's Temptation novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I’ve Come to Give You a Gift

When Clara woke up, her head, neck, and arms were wrapped in gauze, she sucked in a cold breath.

She was locked up in a detention center.

A police officer came to deliver her meal and told her, “You’re suspected of murder of ARCTIC Group’s CEO Steve Lane. You will remain here till you get the court summons! “

She really hated herself for not keeping an eye on that car and letting Steve escape!

Of course, she didn’t want to be locked up waiting for death. She called a police officer. “I want to make a phone call and get a lawyer to defend me. “

The police officer only sneered and ignored her.

At night, the police officer who had been out came again. This time, he brought two women to the detention room and removed their handcuffs.

Clara watched them come in and noticed that their eyes were hostile. She shrank back and remained vigilant.

She stayed vigilant throughout half the night, but finally she couldn’t stay awake any longer, and fell asleep.

Someone squeezed her injured arm hard. In pain, she opened her eyes but found that her mouth had been sealed and that she couldn’t shout.

“Don’t blame us. We are paid by someone to do this job! “ The women said while slapping her face. They smiled fiercely. “She said that as long as we keep you alive, we can torture you however we want.”

Steve wanted to kill her!

Clara’s eyes went completely red with hatred as she desperately resisted.

She bent her knees and kicked a woman in the stomach. The woman bent over, barely able to get up from the pain.

Before Clara could get up from the ground, the other woman grabbed her hair and slapped her a few times, pinching her bleeding wound with two fingers.

“Oh!” Clara yelled as she fainted from the pain.

Ever since the two women were locked up with her in the detention room, the patrols ever few hours stopped. Every time they left after delivering food, not stopping to look at Clara on the ground.

In just a few days, Clara had been tortured to the point of nearly losing her humanity.

The gauze wrapped around her body had long ago been soaked in blood, and then had dried and stuck to her. The women had stabbed her in the throat with toothbrushes

Even the saliva she swallowed tasted of blood, and the end she couldn’t talk at all.


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