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Lost in Mr. Preston's Temptation novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Does He Think She’s Dirty?

Steve dragged Clara into the courthouse and pinned her down on a chair, his tone was cold. “I want a divorce!”

“No!” Clara Rowan was shocked into her senses. She grabbed Steve’s arm and pleaded, “Husband, I don’t want a divorce. Please... we were childhood sweethearts. You know how much I like you, and you’re the only person in my life.”

“I don’t want a filthy woman!”

Clara felt like her brain had exploded. She fell limp in the chair and let go of his sleeve.

Did he think she was dirty?

At that moment, a seductive and mature woman with long wavy hair hurriedly walked in.

“Mr. Lane, I have the documents you asked for.”

When she saw the person come in, a trace of hope rose in the depths of her heart “Ruby, help me beg Steve Lane to not divorce me. Before when me and Steve Lane fought you were the peacemaker.”

Ruby Leke had gone to the same university as Steve, and the three of them were good friends.

Every time she had quarreled with Steve, it was Ruby who had talked with him, and very quickly he would come back and coddle her. She thought that it was possible this time too.

However, hearing her, Ruby showed a troubled expression. “Clara, even though we’re friends, you were in the hotel...... I can’t help you once you’ve made that sort of mistake.”

As the two had been speaking, Steve had opened the document. “Sign it!” He said.

Clara looked at the document and remembered that before she got married, Steve said that to give her a guarantee, he had a contract drawn up. Whoever cheated within the marriage, would leave with nothing.

“I won’t sign, I won’t sign!” Clara Rowan shook her head desperately, “Husband, I can do whatever you want, just don’t divorce me......”

Steve was indifferent to her pleas.

He even forced her to hold the pen, sign the document, and repeated to the staff, “We are getting divorced. Please process the paperwork!”

Less than two minutes after coming in, a divorce certificate was thrown into Clara’s arms.

“Steve Lane,” she cried out to the man’s cold and cold and resolute back. Then, choking back sobs, she hurriedly chased after him, only to see him and Ruby get in the car together.


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