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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 An Evil Beauty Ava was horrified. Only then did she see through the face of this woman, and at that moment, she understood what a “femme beauty was like. Reid was on a business trip for more than half a month, and she was also locked up in the cellar by Cindy for more than half a month. With all the injuries, she was not given food, and she was given a few sips of water to drink like a prisoner. Every night, Cindy had to stand on the shelf of her stepmother and make Ava kneel in front of her with a whip, and teach her to listen to her and tell her to be honest and not to make unnecessary struggles. In order to survive, Ava can only compromise and bow down to this woman. She tried to resist and tried to escape, but the whole family was full of people from Cindy, and a good home had completely turned into a devil’s den After finally waiting for Reid to come back, Cindy finally released Ava , but she couldn’t see her injuries,

and the wound infection caused a high fever. Cindy sent her to the hospital and lied to Reid that she was subjected to school violence. Reid went to the hospital to take a look at Ava Seeing her daughter’s injuries, she didn’t care at first, but blamed her for offending others. “Make yourself like this, what the hell have you done to make people teach you a lesson? Why don’t they violent others but you? Give me a good reflection! Cindy turned into a loving and gentle stepmother, and persuaded by her side, “It’s alright, calm down, the child is ignorant, just scold a few words, don’t get angry.” She looked at Ava , who was lying on the hospital bed with a red face, Sighing lightly, “This child is also pitiful, husband, stepmother is difficult to

do, I’m really afraid that others will say that it’s Ava whol abused.”

Reid hurriedly comforted her, became more and more angry, and pointed to Ava to continue the lesson., “If you get hurt like this, even if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your little mother. Others think she treats you badly. How do you make her behave?” Ava was lying on the hospital bed with scars, looking at his father who was blindly defending his new wife, only to feel that his heart was cold to the bottom. The scars all over his body can’t resist the pain in

his heart. This is her father.

After that, Cindy’s attitude towards her became even more severe. Sometimes, in front of Reid’s face,

she could slap her directly, and Reid felt that this kind of discipline was justified. She was put under

house arrest by Cindy, and finally got through to the start of school. Unexpectedly, Cindy would not even let her go to school, tearing up her admission letter. If she hadn’t worked so hard to escape from home

and tried to get a supplementary notice to go to college, I’m afraid she would have died in Cindy’s hands by now. The past few years in college have not been easy for her. Reid refused to pay her tuition because of her “running away from home”. Ava could only rely on her part-time work-study efforts to complete her studies and stumbled to the present. Listening to Ava recounting her experiences over the years, many of the staff in the office area had red

eyes, and some were in tears. “It’s too much. How can a child threaten you? How can you be so poisonous? You are also a mother, so you are not afraid of retribution on your son!”

Aunt Baojie couldn’t listen to her anymore. She felt that the vicious stepmother should be sent to hell and

never be born!

“That is, your own child is a child, isn’t someone else’s child a child? You are too vicious!” “Some people have a beautiful face, but their hearts are already dark! But it can’t be so dark, it’s just


“What beautiful face? Didn’t you hear what Allan said just now, they used to work on the periphery, relying on plastic surgery to get a better position. I said why this face looks so fake.”

“I heard from a friend in the south before that this Cindy was quite famous in that area, called ‘Baby

Hawker’, nicknamed ‘Fucking House’.”

“What is ‘Fucking House ‘?”


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