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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 117

Chapter 017 Stay Away from Ivan Molly used cold water to wash her face and tidied up her hair. Then, she opened her makeup bag to fix her makeup, and

applied a layer of lipstick Creak! The bathroom door suddenly opened. Molly gracefully walked out from inside. Although there was no smile on her face, she looked full of energy. “Mr. White, this is the ladies’ bathroom. Why are you knocking so hard? Are you in a hurry?” When Ivan heard this, he angrily stuffed his hands into his pockets and replied, “I was worried something would happen to you.”

“The agreement has been signed. If you have nothing else to do, you can go back first.” After that, Molly ignored him and walked directiy to the office. No matter how miserable her heart was, how fragile she was, she would never show it in front of Ivan. Looking at Molly’s disdainful and cold attitude, Ivan was so angry that he choked. Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and looked at her eyes fiercely. “Molly, what exactly do you mean?” “Mr. White, what exactly do you mean?” The two of them looked at each other, and there was a feeling of mutual hostility. At this time, Eileen pushed open the door and walked in. Ivan subconsciously released Molly. Looking at the scene in front of her, what Eileen most worried about had eventually happened. Her face turned pale. She knew that Ivan could not forget Molly. “Ivan…” Eileen regained her composure and called out sweetly, pretending not to see what had just happened. “Eileen, why are you here?” Ivan raised an eyebrow. Eileen smiled gently, walked forward, and intimately held his arm. “I came to see you. I heard that you were going to sign a contract with my sister today, so I specially came to take a look. Are you done with signing the contract?” “Yes, it’s done.” “Well… Let’s go then!” Eileen gently shook his arm. “Where are we going?” “Ivan, didn’t we agree last night to see the wedding dress today?” Ivan was stunned. Only then did he remember it. “Oh, okay. We’ll go later.” Last night, Eileen had gone to find him, crying so hard and asking him if he had changed his mind. The two of them had been together for six years, and they really could not delay any longer. Therefore, he had proposed to her. Molly looked at the two of them and felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. Catching the flash of pain in her eyes, Ivan

deliberately hugged Eileen lovingly. “After looking at the wedding dress later, we’ll take a look at the wedding ring! There were a new batch of jewelry arrived at the store day before yesterday. we’ll go and see if there are any that we like.” When Eileen heard this, she was instantly overjoyed. “Really?” Ivan looked at Eileen lovingly. “I specially ordered a 24.87-carat pink diamond. Since you are 24 years old this year, and August 7th is your birthday. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday tomorrow, but I am telling you now so you can be happy sooner. This pink diamond is worth a lot. It’s exactly five hundred million.” Ivan deliberately provoked Molly. This five hundred million was the alimony fee he had given her back then. Since Molly was noble and lofty enough to reject Ivan’s offer, then he would spend this five hundred million on the woman who had

stolen her husband – He did not believe that Molly would be indifferent when she heard it. “Ivan, you are so nice!” Eileen was so happy that she went crazy. She stood on tiptoe and kissed Ivan on the face. Molly lowered down her eyes, and a stabbing pain filled her heart. It was not because of the 500 million but the affection of Ivan to Eileen. Instead, it was because she was 24 too. What was even more ironic was that their birthdays were only


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