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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 131

Chapter 031 Sending Jared and Javen to Roveland

At the hospital. Fortunately, Javen and Jared only suffered minor injuries. The doctor disinfected their wounds and applied some ointment on thein, so they were fine. Chris’ injuries weren’t serious either. He only needed to bandage them for a bit and it would be fine. “Molly, if you don’t want to send them abroad, why don’t you send them to Roveland? They should be going to kindergarten soon. There is a private aristocratic kindergarten there. You can send them there to study. Roveland is close to Oscos. They can arrive in an hour by boat. You can visit them every weck.” “We will hide for the time being. After a period of time, Ivan and Eileen will get married. I guess they will not care about this issue anymore by that time.” “Rose has not been exposed yet, so don’t worry too much. Let Rose stay with you!” W!ien Molly heard this, she looked up at Chris hesitantly. Oscos was only a stone’s throw away from Roveland. Although Roveland was small, it was the only gambling city allowed in the country! The Davis’ was one of the top three

gambling tycoons in Roveland. “But, it is so close. If Ivan wants to find them, I am afraid it will be easy for him to do so.” “It’s fine, I can send someone to protect them!” Chris smiled and gently held her shoulder. “Besides, you can tell him that the children have gone abroad! When the limelight is over, you can bring them back!” “Alright, then!” “Then I’ll arrange it!” “Okay!” “Mommy, where are we going?” “You have to go to kindergarten when you are older. You will be a big child in the future, so you need to start going to

school.” “Oh!”

The next day. Chris drove the car and took Molly and the two little boys to the dock to take the boat. They were ready to send the two little guys to Roveland. On the other hand, Eileen dragged her tired body home. It was still the same. Leo rode a motorcycle and sent her to the city. Then, she took a taxi to the designated place and called the driver to pick her up. The reason why it was so troublesome was mainly to keep it a secret. She was afraid of being photographed together with Leo. At this time, their motor and Chris’ car passed by each other, and Molly was looking out of the window. She suddenly saw the woman on the motorcycle and her back looked like Eileen. Although the woman was wearing a helmet, she looked exactly like Eileen. “Hey, look at that person. Is she Eileen?” Chris was driving. He stepped on the brake and glanced at the rearview mirror. “She looks a bit like her!” Originally, she could not see clearly, but the motorcycle suddenly stopped. Leo got out of the car, and so did Eileen.

The two of them took off their helmets, and Leo kept kissing Eileen on her face. They looked like they were not ready to part ways. This time, Molly saw clearly that she was indeed Eileen! Looking at the situation, she was very intimate with this man. “Heh, it really is Eileen. Ivan is being cheated on!” Chris teased. “Perhaps, this is just an ordinary friend of hers…” Molly frowned.

. + 10 Molly you don’t understand men too well! In this situation, it’s impossible to be an ordinary friend…” Chris sneered. Halfway through his words, Chris suddenly stopped talking as he accidentally exposed his nature. “Film it and send it to Ivan, or you can post it online.” When Molly heard this, she hurriedly stopped him, “Stop, don’t do it.” “Why?”


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