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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 133

Chapter 033 There Are Even More Despicable Tyler took a deep breath of smoke and sighed, “What can I do? That rebellious girl, she doesn’t even listen to me. How would she be politc to those people?” “You are so useless! You are her father, and you can’t control your daughter! I think you can just directly hold a press conference and cut off the relationship with her!” Hearing thal, Tyler patted his thigh and said with a sad face, “Hey, don’t let the media interfere in our affairs! It’s so

shameful! Besides, even if i’m not the president, we have so much savings and many side industries. Our life will still be the same!” “How can that be the same?” Lena replied angrily. “Hatchworks is a family enterprise. It’s just getting on the right track and becoming a listed company! Now, such a big company has fallen to an outsider! No matter what, I will not swallow this anger!”

So what? That old man can give his inheritance to whoever he wants!” “Please, how can the inheritance not be passed on to the son but to the granddaughter? If I knew you were such useless, I wouldn’t have married you!” Tvler took a deep breath and shook his head in frustration. Back then, if Lena had not seduced him, he would not have betrayed his family. Many years ago… He had just married Molly’s mother. They were newlyweds, and they were still on their honeymoon. During that period, Lena had hooked up with him. Originally, he just wanted to have a one-night stand with her, but he did not expect Lena to be pregnant! Moreover, Lena directly found Molly’s mother and said that she was pregnant with Tyler’s child. Molly’s mother had a strong temper. After knowing Tyler was cheating in marriage, she moved out of the Hill’s

Residence without saying anything and insisted on divorce. Thinking about it, he was sorry for Molly’s mother, but he could not save their relationship anymore. Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and marry Lena. “Darling, I don’t care! You have to get an explanation for my two cousins! My cousins have been working in the company for almost twenty years. If she fires them now, how will they live in the


“Okay, I’ll give Molly a call and ask her what’s going on!” With that, Tyler picked up his phone. He was forced into a corner and had no choice but to call Molly “Hello, Dad, what’s the matter?” Molly answered the phone. “Molly, I heard that you laid off more than a dozen old employees of the company?” Hearing that, Molly pondered for a few seconds. Then, she replied, “Yes, Dad!” “Those people are old employees of the company. They have worked in the company for more than twenty years. How can you lay them off just like that?” “Dad, these people are taking undue profit from chaos! They even occupy important positions!” Molly said calmly. “The new employees don’t have suitable job arrangements. Those old employees will only drag down the company! So, I

laid them off.” “Molly, you can’t be so unreasonable! Those people are all relatives of Lena. They have been working with me for twenty years! Hurry up and call them to go back to work!”


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