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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 18

Chapter 018 The Ex-husband Was Worth Five Cents

Hailey stopped in her tracks. For a moment, she thought that she hadn’t woken up from her hangover and

that she had seen a ghost.

Owen Moore, why was he here?

However, when she saw the man’s cold expression and the way he stared at her

like a tiger eyeing its prey, it was obvious that he had come for her. It was probably because he had found out about her background. However, they had already divorced, so there was no need for her to go forward and greet him. Hailey calmed herself down and continued to walk. She stuck out her chest and raised her head. Her posture was elegant, and her temperament was noble. “Stop.” A cold voice sounded from the seat. Hailey pretended that she did not hear it and did not stop. Suddenly, a sharp gust of wind rushed over and grabbed Hailey’s wrist. The bodyguard behind her immediately stepped forward to block Owen. “What are you doing?”

The bodyguard’s hand slashed over, but Owen reached out to block it. Seeing that they were about to fight, Hailey waved his hand lightly to signal the bodyguard to retreat. Then, she looked up at Owen expressionlessly. “Sir, you

are hurting me.” Her wrist was tightly grasped by him. After knowing him for so long, this was

the first time he touched her.

After they divorced.

How ironic Owen looked at the woman’s cold eyes. The gentle and warm face in the past was now cold and distant at this moment, as if she had never known him. This made him depressed and annoyed.

“What are you playing?”

Owen released her wrist, but his tone was cold. “Who are you exactly?” “Watch your tone, sir,” the assistant scolded in dissatisfaction.

“Sir, do we know each other?” Hailey waved her hand and looked up at Owen without any warmth. Owen was stunned.

She actually said that she did not know him? What about their three years of marriage?

He secretly clenched his fists and had the urge to hit someone. His temper, which had been restrained for many years, was almost exploded by this woman at this moment. He gritted his teeth and asked, “If you don’t know me, why did you look at me just now?” Hailey replied seriously, “You are good-looking. Are you not allowed to be looked at? Is your face a scenic spot? Do I have to pay for a glance?” Hearing that, Owen was lost in words.

When did the Hailey he knew, who had always been dull, become so eloquent?

“Do you have cash?”

Hailey turned around and asked her assistant. The two assistants searched in their pockets for a long time. Finally, they took out five cents and responded embarrassedly, “Only five cents.” “That’s enough.”

Hailey took the coin and stuffed it into Owen’s hand. “I’ll give you five cents.

Keep the change.” Then, she stepped on her high heels and left with a group of people. Her aura was overwhelming. She was like a queen who looked down on the world. She didn’t look back and didn’t feel reluctant to leave.

Owen held the five cents and stood in place. His mind was a mess. It was as if he had never known this woman before. She was too different.

But her appearance could not lie, and the mole at the corner of her eye could be like no other

A burst of laughter suddenly sounded in his ear. Matthew, who had witnessed everything, stood at the elevator and laughed so hard that his whole body was about to fall

After knowing Owen for so long, this was the first time he saw him being


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