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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Grandpa Appeared Eve and Luca’s wedding was held at the Venus Holiday Hotel under the Freaktube Group. The Edwardses were well-known in Poya. Newell Edwards, the chairman of the Freaktube Group would naturally not be stingy when his son was marrying. Moreover, this marriage was a powerful combination. He was naturally very happy to win the Crystaldale through Eve and Morgan. He had invited all the celebrities in Poya City. He took the wedding as a commercial feast and wanted to take this opportunity to raise the popularity of the Edwardses to a higher level. “The position of the richest man in Poya is very close to us. It’s easy to get! What surprised Newell more was that Owen of the Moores in North City and Matthew of the Hollands in Belindao also had agreed to attend the wedding. The Edwardses and the two families did not have deep contact. He hadn’t expected that they would both be willing to come. Newell’s face was full of glory, and he increasingly felt that their family was not what it used to be. Owen and Matthew were rarely seen in public. Newell personally stood on the steps to greet and send off the guests. He was afraid that others would not recognize Owen and Matthew and offend them carelessly, which would be a bad bargain. “Dad, why are you so nervous? It’s not Chairman Moore and Old Mr. Holland who will come here.” Luca sneered. He couldn’t bear to see his father’s unpromising appearance. Newell gave him a ferocious stare. “You know nothing! Owen is the inheritor of the Moores, and Matthew is the youngest son favored by Old Mr. Holland. They represent the Moores and the Hollands. If our family can get the support of the two families, it will be around the corner that we become the richest in Poya!” Luca sniffed at this. “Owen is just a grandson whose mother was a Miss. Moore. If the Moores have some promising grandsons, it wouldn’t be Owen’s turn. As for Matthew, everyone knows that he was born when Old Mr. Holland was very old and is favored by Old Mr. Hollands. But the Hollands’ property has been snatched away by his elder brothers. Now he is just running errands for Old Mr. Holland.

There is nothing to be arrogant about.” Newell looked at his son as if he was a fool. He was very angry and wanted to slap him. Considering it was his wedding day, he still

endured it. “They are both incapable, just you are capable! You are the most capable one! At least they can do something all on their own. They’ve become famous in business since they were young. But you? What have you done but annoy me with some tidbits?” Luca retorted a few words, and Mrs. Edwards came in time. “Well, why are you quarreling again on this happy day? Do you want to be

embarrassed? Hurry in, the wedding is about to start.” Mrs. Edwards pushed her son in, and Newell was so angry that he had a headache. ‘If I am not so old and be younger, I would really like to have one more son! This one has been incapable already. How do I have such a son?’ All the important figures came last. Hailey and Ava arrived late. When they arrived at the hotel, Owen and Matthew also happened to arrive, and they met at the door. “Oh, what a coincidence.” Matthew gave Hailey a wink. Hailey pretended not to recognize him and was about to go in with Ava. Newell’s eyes lit up when he saw Owen and Matthew. He rushed down the steps and almost hit Hailey and Ava. Hailey pulled Ava aside in time. “Well, Mr. Moore, Mr. Holland, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. How nice that you can take the time to attend my son’s wedding.” He wanted to shake hands with Owen and Matthew, but no one paid attention to him. Instead, they bypassed him, walked up the steps, and asked Hailey with concern, in unison. “Are you all right? Have you been hit?” Hailey slightly pressed her lips, “No.” Newell had been ignored that his hand stopped awkwardly in the air. He pulled it back and turned around as if he had just discovered Hailey’s existence. He smiled and said, “Well, isn’t this Hailey? Haven’t seen you for so many years, I don’t even recognize you. You’ve really changed so much.” Newell rushed forward enthusiastically, but Owen and Matthew turn around and block him at the same time. Owen’s face was cold. “Mr. Edwards, be careful with your behavior.” Matthew said relentlessly, “Don’t try to approach me. We are not that familiar. Mr. Edwards, where can we put the presents? Please lead the way.” “They don’t show me any respect.’ Newell was angry, but he didn’t dare to offend them easily. He had to swallow his anger and smiled. He walked in to show them the way. “This way, please.” He was wondering what kind of friendship Hailey had with Owen and Matthew that the two men protected her so much, The seats at the wedding banquet were also arranged very carefully. Generally speaking, it was to worship the high and trample on the low. Those with status sal at the main table in the front row, and those who were slightly less important sat at the table outside and near the door. The snacks and drinks at each table were different, which made people uncomfortable. Owen and Matthew’s seats were naturally on the main table in the front row, while Hailey and Ava, as Eve’s family, were arranged in the periphery, very near the door. Hailey didn’t think there was anything wrong. Originally, she came to see the play today. She could watch

it more comprehensively sitting a little farther away. So she sat down with Ava very calmly. However, Owen and Matthew were not happy. They came to this wedding to get along with Hailey but not for a meal. How could they get along with such a far distance? At the last table, there were not many people who knew Hailey and Ava. They thought the two were invited stars or small net celebrities, so beautiful. They couldn’t help but look at them once and once again. Someone brave came directly to ask for contact information. “Hi


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