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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191 Hailey took the old man upstairs and pushed open the door to his parent’s room. Even though her parents were no longer there, Hailey still kept the main bedroom for her mother and father, and after she had thrown Morgan out, who had taken over the house before, everything had been decorated in the same way as before. The room was cleaned by a special maid every day and was very neat and tidy, with no dust at all. It was the first time that Jason entered the Garden of Rose and the room of his eldest son and daughter-in-law. As soon as he went in and saw the two portraits on the incense table, his eyes immediately turned red. “Grandfather, come in.” Hailey reached out and pulled the old man, who was standing in the doorway, into the room, invited grandpa to take a seat on the mahogany sofa, and walked over to offer incense to his parents. “Mum and dad, grandpa has come to see you.” Jason sat on the sofa and looked at his eldest son and daughter-in-law attentively, and he started to feel sentimental and speechless for a long time.

In Scott Newman and Nancy Ingram’s room, there were all kinds of furniture made of mahogany, gheombi and rosewood, all of which were good stuff as far as one could see. Even the bed was carved in gold lacquer, and each layer of the frieze was carved in fine details, covered with layers and layers of floral patterns, with all the petals in it extremely three-dimensional. Every time the brothers came to the Garden of Rose and went inside their parents’ room, they said they felt like they had travelled back in

time. Hailey walked over and sat cross-legged directly on the carpet, watching as Jason’s eyes fell on the bed, and said, “I heard from father

that this bed was your wedding gift to them?” “Mm.” Jason let out a soft sigh. “The day of your parents’ wedding still seems vivid in my mind. In a blink of an eye, you already have become such a big girl.” He raised his hand and touched Hailey’s head, with his eyes full of love. “It’s just that I heard that after you disappeared three years ago, Uncle Morgan has been living in the Garden of Rose since, and it’s not easy for these good things to remain and not be sold off by him.” Hailey smiled gently. “When I left three years ago, I knew that Morgan wouldn’t let go of the Garden of Rose, so I had Lily Clark move out all the good stuff in this house and replace them with counterfeits, anyway, he wouldn’t be able to tell.”

Jason curled his lips.

“Morgan is a douche, Reid even more so, after learning antique identification from me for so many years, they haven’t even learnt a thing.” He sighed three times in a row. “Luckily your father has mastered the old Newman family’s ancestral skills, and he passed them on to you, so consider there is a

successor.” Hailey raised her eyes. “I’m not as good as my father, and I’m not even close to you.” “Such modesty is not like my eldest granddaughter’s style. I still remember when you were ten years old, you made the bold statement

that you would slap your father to death on the beach.” Jason nudged her little head. “What, after three years in the world, and you have learned to flatter people and tell lies?” “Not at all.” Hailey wrinkled her upturned nose. “At that time, I was still young, I didn’t learn my skills well and was laughed at by my father, so that’s why I snubbed him.” The old man asked, “What about now?” “Now….J know the world is so big and complicated!” Jason laughed out loud. “You little girl, ah, capable and temperamental, are the same as your father when he was a child, simply a carbon copy of your lather.” “Huh? Is that so?” Hailey said honestly, “I think my dad is quite good-tempered.” Even though Morgan and Reid had betrayed the family so many times, her father didn’t take any revenge on them but even helped them a lot. If it was Hailey, she couldn’t bear any of that. “That’s because your mother is in charge.” Jason said, “Your father’s clever, and your mother is even more so. When the two of them get together, well, you can imagine that.” Hailey listened quietly. She liked to hear about her father and mother, and she always felt like listening to a story. And the parents in her grandfather’s eyes were very ditterent from the parents in her eyes, because of the different perspectives and


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