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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 195

Chapter 194

Staring at the hale and sprightly old man in front of him, along with those insightful eyes, Owen slowly opened his lips. “Moore. I’m Owen Moore.”

He had no intention of hiding his identity, because he had come here with a purpose, and he would have to reveal his identity sooner or


later. Once Jason heard it, he slowly narrowed his eyes. “You are Jacob Moore’s grandson?” Owen nodded his head. Jason raised his eyebrows. “Polly Moore’ kid?” “Yes.” Owen said, “Polly Moore, she’s my mother.” Jason’s eyes sparkled, and he smiled. “No wonder you look familiar, you’re a chip off the old block with your mother’s grey eyes and a bit of your dad’s twinkle.” Owen’s handsome face blossomed like a sunflower. “I only found out about your friendship with him and my grandfather after I called Mr. Sharman. ‘The Three Swordsman’, isn’t it?” Jason laughed loudly as he remembered the ridiculous things he had done with his friends in his youth. “The Three Swordsmen, the name Wiselie Sharman has given us, your grandfather and I don’t like it, we want a different name.” That’s what he said, but the old man looked much closer to Owen, and in an instant, he treated Owen like he was his son. Jason wasn’t shy about him either, polishing the hairpin under the machine, and only after finishing it did he ask Owen idly, “What is it that you came here to see me about?” Even though Owen was known for his emotional control, Jason had impeccable eyes for reading people and he could still see Owen hiding his anger. Owen didn’t hold back, and stated his intention directly, hoping to invite Jason Newman to work with Mr. Sharman for a while. After hearing the story, Jason pondered for a moment and said, “I have been under the radar and not entirely in seclusion, and there is no such thing as me retiring. It’s just that I haven’t produced any masterpieces for many years, and I don’t have the energy to carve objects with my heart and soul in my old age. There are talented people from generation to generation, the business now belongs to you guys, so why ask me out to make a fool of myself?” “I understand that it’s overqualified for asking you, a master jade carver, to carve a piece of gold or silver jewellery, so I was thinking about asking you and Mr. Sharman, to work together on a set of works.” Owen took the tablet out, scratched it a few times and showed several remnants to Jason. “Mr. Newman, these are all good jades, made of good materials, but for various reasons they have become broken scraps, just like a broken mirror that is difficult to restore, I hope to be able to restore them and give them a second life through your and Mr. Sharman’s extraordinary carving savoir-faire. This project, too, is only possible for you to achieve completion.” Jason looked at these jades in the picture, all of which were indeed good materials, and all of which were indeed broken jades, and it was heart-breaking for him just to look at them. No one who played with carving does not love jade, and as Jason talked more with Owen, his mind began to burst with inspiration on how he could restore it or recreate it. The more he talked, the more interested he became in the project and was almost about to say yes when he suddenly remembered something. “I can’t, aren’t Mazedew Jewelery and Newman Jewelery competitors, if I help you, wouldn’t that be like helping the enemy, and Hailey would blame me.” Jason said, lest his words are unconvincing, and brought out Hailey to bluff Owen. “My eldest granddaughter, I don’t know if you have met her, she is now in charge of the Newman family, she has a big temper, she is the little bully of our family, even I, as her grandfather, have to listen to her, she is fierce.” Owen laughed as he listened. “I know, she is quite intense sometimes.” Jason was just about to add a few more words when he suddenly felt that Owen was smiling a bit strangely. “What? Do you and my Hailey know each other?” “Not only do we know each other, we ……” Owen weighed his words and was about to confess to the old man about the relationship between him and Hailey when the door to the machine room was knocked on.

Lily Clark stood outside the door with a look of embarrassment. “Mr. Newman, Morgan is here.” “Where’s that little bastard? Tell her to get her ass out here! Her old man is gone, so today I’ll teach her a lesson on how to behave!


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