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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 The old man’s words were quite blunt. And it looked like Jason wanted to watch the fun here. Chris and Ava were leaning side by side on the windowsill, prepared to watch the show, feeling that the scene in front of them was especially like the king was choosing the prince for his beloved princess. Matthew and Owen both looked sideways, staring straight at Hailey as if they too were looking forward to her answer. They were both hoping that she would say something about themselves, but they were also afraid that she would say something about someone else. For a moment, there was some tension. Under the attention of the crowd, Hailey pointed at Matthew with an expressionless face and said to her grandfather, “This, is not

something good.” The old man didn’t react. She then raised her hand again and said coldly at Owen, “This, is not good either.” The old man was stunned and then burst into laughter. ” Matthew was about to defend himself, but when he heard Hailey say that Owen was not an option, he was relieved and laughed loudly.

“Did you hear it, you’re not as good as me.” Owen didn’t feel that Hailey was scolding him, but he went along with her and said, “I’m not good for you in the first place anyway.” He was a human being, Hailey didn’t bother to talk to them, and she didn’t want them to disturb her grandfather’s rest and recuperation, so she was about to blast them out with a cold face when the door to the ward opened once more, and a handsome face popped up. “Jeremy? What are you doing here?” Hailey was slightly surprised and greeted him, picking up the lunchbox in his hand. Jeremy Britt was wearing a casual outfit and had a clear smile. “I came over to deliver the meal, just in time to see the old man.” He nodded towards the crowd, with his gaze lightly sweeping over Matthew and Owen as he approached the bed. “Hello grandpa, I’m Jeremy, I’ve cooked you some food, you can try my cooking tonight.” Jason was also a big eater and immediately smiled with his eyes glowing. “Yes, yes, Jeremy, right?” In a flash, he smiled like a matchmaker setting up the blind dates. “Are you a friend of Hailey’s too? How old are you?” Jeremy tilted his head to look at Hailey, and he meekly replied, “Grandpa, I’m twenty years old, soon to be twenty-one.” “Twenty …… is a bit too young.” The old man murmured it, then smiled. “But it is also quite good, if you marry my granddaughter, not to mention all the money and wealth, you’ll be promised the moon and stars, a never-ending gold mine at your disposal.” << >

The more Jason talked, the more he got excited. Hailey pouted and became serious. “Grandpa!” Jason glanced at his eldest granddaughter’s face, seeing that she was about to get angry, and he did not dare to say more. “Forgive me, I’ll stop here, in any case, each of you should fight by your own ability, although this eldest granddaughter of mine has a big temper, she is absolutely prosperous, the perfect choice for being the life partner.” Owen, Matthew, and Jeremy looked over at Hailey in unison again. She was completely furious. “What are you looking at? Look again and I gouge your eyes out!” 4 ”

Perfect wife or not, the temper was really big for sure. When the attending doctor came in for a follow-up consultation, he was shocked to see so many people in the ward and said that the old man needed to recuperate at the moment and asked the crowd out.

The uninvited guests were all kicked out of the ward, and inside the ward, Chris recalled the scene just now and couldn’t help but suggest to Hailey, “Ms. Newman, why don’t you consider opening a harem? There will definitely be an endless stream of applicants.” Hailey gave him a sidelong glance. “Fine, come and be a eunuch in front of my palace, I’ll betroth Ava to someone else.” Chris wimped out in seconds and immediately took Ava into his arms. “That won’t do, it’s mine!” Ava leaned into his arms with a blushing face but didn’t push him away. Hailey rolled her eyes at them. “Go get a room for yourselves.”

Jason was still a bit dizzy and shaky. The doctor said these were normal after surgery, and told Jason to pay more attention to it and rest well,

When Hailey saw off the doctor, she found the three of them still outside the ward and didn’t leave, and she immediately pulled a long


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