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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 210

Chapter 210 She Was Pregnant

Hailey walked out of the ward and saw Owen sitting on a bench against the wall with a fine cigarette in his hand, but not lit. His expression was stiff, and he was almost petrified. The door of the ward was not closed just now, and the conversation between her and Louise was overheard. Owen had heard what she said clearly. The two looked at each other. In just a split second, Hailey withdrew her gaze and walked straight forward. Owen’s hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, and his throat felt dry. He deserved it. He closed his eyes and cursed himself.

Hailey walked to the door of Harrison’s ward, and she heard Matthew yelling at Harrison inside in the distance. “Tell me, what are you doing? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think you’re not seriously injured enough, and you have to self-mutilate?! If you don’t want to live anymore, just tell me and I’ll wipe and give you a knife so you can cut your throat I promise you will die very quickly!” Hailey smiled slightly. Matthew had always joked around, but she quite liked what he said today. After scolding for a long time, Matthew’s mouth was dry and his voice gradually lowered. “Well, Harrison, you don’t know how lucky you are. You don’t even cherish a nice girl like Louise.” Matthew folded his arms and felt speechless, “I don’t understand. Why do good girls like men like you who are cold to the core? What is there to like about men like you?” The more he spoke, the angrier he became, “Look, I am such a good man and I’m good-looking, right? Why do girls choose you over me! It’s outrageous.” Hailey sighed. As soon as she complimented him, he showed his true colors. She cleared her throat lightly and walked in. When Matthew turned his head and saw that it was Hailey, he looked terrified, and immediately picked up a chair to protect himself, “I

didn’t scold you. Don’t hit me!” Harrison was speechless. He was such a coward. “Doctor Grace, how’s Louise? Is she seriously injured?” Harrison still didn’t feel anything from the waist down. He lifted his body with difficulty and asked anxiously. Hailey didn’t want to pay attention to Matthew, and looked at Harrison with cold eyes, “Now you’re nervous. What did you do?” Harrison hung his head with a look of guilt and remorse. “It’s my fault. I couldn’t control my emotions and hurt her. Isn’t it serious?” “Yes.” Hailey didn’t comfort him, “There are more than 20 wounds on her body, and one on her calf almost hurt an artery. The injury on her back is even more serious and she almost died.” After she said it, Harrison’s face changed drastically, and he was about to fall. He was quickly supported by Matthew, “Harrison, your injury isn’t healed yet. Can you stop it?” “I…” Harrison grabbed Matthew’s arm, “I want to go see her.” Matthew met Harrison’s pleading gaze and couldn’t bear it. He looked at Hailey but saw her cold face. There was no emotion in Hailey’s voice, “Didn’t you want to break up with Louise because you don’t like her? Now you’re acting like you’re worried and affectionate. Are you trying to prove to us that you’re not a ruthless person?”. Her words were almost mean. Matthew broke into a cold sweat listening to it. He kept winking at Hailey, and couldn’t help but say, “He’s still a patient. Speak softly…”. “He’s a patient, but so what? Just because you are sick, everyone around you should indulge you, and be scolded by you, driven away by

you, and get hurt by you? Why?” Hailey was harsh and honest, “Harrison, let me tell you, if you don’t want to see Louise anymore, then break up with her completely.

Don’t be ruthless one minute and caring the next. Make a decision and stick to it! Girls are very sensitive, especially a girl who treats you with all her heart. Your frowns, smiles, joys, and sorrows all affect her emotions. You may not love her, but you can’t hurt her, you


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