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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219 Stepmother The sky was starry, and Gene’s eyes were sparkling when she talked about Hailey. Owen listened quietly. Gene had always been calm, self-controlled, and intelligent. She entered the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation after

studying languages abroad. They barely communicated, so this was the first time she had spoken so much to him without concealing her admiration for Hailey. After talking for a long time, Gene was a little embarrassed, so she said with a flushed face, “I’m sorry, I forgot that you and Hailey are divorced. I want to turn to her for advice about translation. Will you mind it?” The corners of his mouth twitched lightly before he replied, “No.” Then he asked, “Are you still in touch with her?” Gene nodded, “Yeah. Last time we celebrated her birthday in the chatting group together. Hailey has always been nice to us…” She spoke faster than she thought. As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she had spilled the beans, so she quickly covered her mouth and blamed herself in her heart.

Owen was an acute observer, so he immediately caught the point of her words and asked, “Chatting group? What chatting group?” They had celebrated Hailey’s birthday together. Why didn’t he know? At this moment, Gene wanted to die. When she was thinking about how to muddle through, Benson ran over and said, “Gene! Huh? Owen! You came back from Berny?” After Gene winked at him, he walked closer and asked, “What’s the matter, Gene? Did sand get into your eye? Do you need me to help blow

it out?” Then, he intended to touch her eyelid. What an idiot! Gene pushed his hand away and said, “No, I don’t need your help!” When Benson was stunned, a big hand suddenly grabbed his neck, so he was forced to lean back and said, “Owen?” “Benson, come with me. I need to have a word with you.” Owen hooked his arm around Benson’s neck and drag him toward his yard. Benson reached out his hand and asked Gene for help, “Gene.” Owen needed to talk to him? Benson had a bad feeling. Gene looked at him helplessly and sighed, “The cat is out of the bag, and I can do nothing about it…”

Poya was still raining heavily. And the Garden of Rose was also bathed in the torrential rain. The doctor was treating Eve’s wounds. Because she was pregnant, many medicines could not be used, and the doctor was handling it very


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