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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224 Thank You For Saving Me Catherine cried hysterically, wtuch shocked everyone on the racecourse Hailey, Avl, in Chris came from all directions. Seeing Catherine crying so hard and Matthew looking so tlustered, they all looked at Matthew and asked in unison, “Did you hurt her?” “I didn’t. It wasn’t me Don’t talk nonsense ” Matthew denied it and panicked. Catherine was a big crier. Her eyes were red and teary, and she said to Hailey between sobs. “Aunt, he bullied me…” Matthew looked at Catherine in disbeliet Hailey gave Matthew a cool look and said with folded arms, “Don’t be afraid. Tell me, why did he bully you.” Catherine continued to sob; “He mocked me.” Matthew really couldn’t beat it this time. He felt so wronged, “Why would I mock you?” Catherine turned her head and glanced at him with tears on her lace Sheplared at Matthew and said, “He said, ‘You alinest talloff. pony. You are something” Matthew thought to himself. Wasn’t ita fact? Was this called sarcasm? But seeing her crying lace, his sense of Built was somehow overwhelmint, and he quickly coaxed her. “I didn’t mock you. I was complimiting you.” Catherine pouted and shorted softly Matthew telt that she was very cute’, so he couldn’t help reaching out and wiping the tears from her tace, “Okay, okay, I was wrong Don’t cry. I will verge you later and teach this little bustard.. lesson.” “No!

Catherine suddenly stopped crying, and said aggressively, ‘That’s my horse You can’t hurt it.” Matthewsmiled and said, “If you don’t cry, I won’t hurt it.” “Then I won’t cry anymore.” Catherine wiped her tears with the back of her hand and then found herseli sitting on the horse’s back. She was startled, “Oh my god, so

She grabbed Matthew’s leg subconsciously, and then looked left and right, leeling like she was about to cry again. “How… how am I going to get down.” She turned to look at Hailey. “Auntie, hug nie.” Watching her show, Hailey stook hier head and said, “Imatrald I can’t. Catherine’s eyes widened. Did her aunt think she was tai? Matthew smiled lightly and wrappeil his arms around Catherine’s waist, Catherine only felt a gust of wind blowing by her ears. The next moment, her feet landed firmly on the ground. How did she get down It was so amazing

Catherine looked at Matthew with her big eyes. When she looked up, she saw hus handsome face and unbelievably beautiful eyes in the

sunlight. She instantly felt no longer apcrieved.

She suddenly smiled with teary eves, “Thank you for saving me.”


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