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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 227

Chapter 227 Dad, I Was Wrong!

Thunder was rumbling outside.

Matthew was stunned, in so many years, Matthew had seen many women and none of them had ever asked him to elope She was an innocent and fearless girl, Were kids so bold now? Matthew looked at Hailey with pleading eyes, “Why don’t you respond at all? Stop her.” (She’s going to elope with me’l Hailey gave Catherine a cool look and said, “Sorry. If you like him, take him away.”

Matthew was stunned. What the hell was going on?

Turning his head to look at Catherine, he saw her big bright eyes. His heart trembled. Did this silly girl like him? The rain stopped, and Hailey and the others left the racecourse. Matthew, a big coward, got into his car and drove away quickly

Catherine looked at his car and said angrily. “He just ran away? Well, I won’t eat him.”

Hailey snorted, ‘He’s afraid your dad would.” Of course, Matthew was afraid. Ryan, the head of Fenneth, was a master of medicine and poison, a reclusive legendary “master”. He was a saint in the eyes of the general public. But for the young master of the Holland family, Ryan was a terrifying figure who could kill people with silver needles when Matthew heard of him as a child. Even Old Mr. Holland was polite to Ryan. After he accidentally “provoked” his beloved daughter, he certainly should run away quickly. He didn’t want to be cut into pieces.

Hailey originally planned to go to the company. But since Ryan came, she had to change her plan and go back to the Garden of Rose first Catherine was quiet all the way. She was probably frustrated after being rejected by Matthew, or she was flustered when she was about to face her father after running away from home, Hailey understood her temperament. After all, she had experienced it herself. Catherine was brought up by her, almost a younger version of herself. Hailey sighed softly and said, “Do you like him that much?” Catherine raised her head abruptly and met Hailey’s gaze. She froze for a moment, and then nodded heavily. “Yes!” She looked happier, “Auntie, do you know what love at first sight is? I think I know!” Hailey narrowed her eyes. How could she not know? She had fallen in love with Owen at first sight back then. But it was easy to fall in love, but difficult to stay in love. But Hailey didn’t mock her or scold her. She just said to her in a light tone, “Katie, you have the right to like someone, but you have to know that falling in love with someone doesn’t mean you love each other. You have to give.” Catherine looked at her in confusion, “Give what?” “Some give their bodies, some give their money, some give their time, and some… give their hearts.” Hailey’s voice was calm, “While you give you have to be prepared for him not to recognize your efforts. In other words, even if you give everything for him, he will not necessarily give you anything in return, and may even hurt you instead.” Catherine still didn’t understand, “But I love him and I’m willing, Isn’t that enough?” “No.” Hailey shook her head and her eyes were slightly cold, “Humans are emotional animals, and everyone wants something in return. No matter how much you love him or how willing you are, you will be tired one day When you’re too tired to love anymore, your heart will die.” Catherine Crowned, ‘Can’t you love because you’re afraid of getting hurt?” “No, loving someone is your own business, and it has nothing to do with others.” Hailey said lightly. If you’re mentally prepared, no matter what happens in the future, you will not regret it. You can love and


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