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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 234

Chapter 234 Successful Disguise

After the morning meeting, Owen grabbed his phone and headed to the CEO’s Office. He opened the chat interface, edited a text, and deleted it. When he finished the text, he didn’t press the send button.

“There is a rainstorm in Poya today. Travel safely.” The tone was too stiff. It

shouldn’t be like this.

He believed that he should add some modal particles and emojis to liven the text. He recalled the bitchy tone of Benson and re-edited it. “Ah, there is a rainstorm in Poya today. Be careful on the road, okay?”

Did he use too many modal particles? He was disgusted by the text. He should continue to modify it. “Hailey, there is a rainstorm in Poya today. Be careful on the


He finally pressed the send button. He was a little nervous and thought of what

Benson had said. “Unaccountably solicitous people are hiding evil intentions, and others are afraid of sudden concern. Your attention is too overt. After expressing your concern, you should add a small request, and then Hailey will not suspect anything.”

He immediately edited another text. “And don’t forget the gold bracelet you promised to give me.”

He thought about it, found a cute emoji from the file shared by Benson, and sent it over. Job done. It took Owen so long to edit a text. Jose saw it but did not know who the recipient was. His boss looked anxious and serious. Owen was that kind of person who often called and rarely texted anyone.

Finally, his boss smiled. Peeping was shameful, but Jose couldn’t restrain his

curiosity. He stood on tiptoe and had a peek. He didn’t see the content but only saw

an emoji.

That was enough to shock him. Mr. Moore used an emoji? And such a cute one?

What was going on?

Matthew came and ran into Owen at the door of the CEO’s Office.

“Mr. Holland, are you running away from home?” Jose sized Matthew up. He almost failed to recognize the man.

Matthew had always been proud and preening himself like a peacock. He was in the spotlight no matter where he went. Today, however, he was covered in mud. His pants were stained, his shoes were wet, his clothes crumpled, and his hair was disheveled.

His overall image resembled that of a beggar. The security guards at the entrance had almost kept him out. His look made Owen frown.

Matthew’s face clouded over, and he sulked, “Not running away from home. Running for my life. Buy me a set of clothes and a pair of shoes. Make me a cup of coffee

too. I think I’m catching a cold… ahchoo!”

He sneezed loudly. Owen and Jose took one step back at the same time. They needed to keep a distance from the man. Matthew rubbed his red nose and looked at Owen sadly. “Man, take me in.”

He took a shower in the lounge, changed his clothes, and came out clean. Content with his condition, he gulped down a jar of coffee and then poured out his grievances. From his look, Owen could tell that he came to this because of women. He was not interested in Matthew’s story until Hailey’s niece was mentioned. He lifted his eyelids.

“You mean, Hailey has a godbrother?” His eyes brows furrowed.

Matthew’s mouth was parched. He glared at Owen and sulked, “Hey, I’ve talked so

much. Did you get the point? The point is that Hailey’s godbrother has a daughter named Catherine. That girl has a crush on me and wants to elope with me. It’s scary.”

Owen pursed his thin lips and mused, “Are you sure Ryan is not her biological



Matthew was furious. “No! But you’re like brother and sister. Did you hear me?


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