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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237 Back to North City Again

“Ah, Matthew!” Carrying a backpack, Catherine rushed over, pulled out the


tissue, and wiped his mouth. “So surprised to see me?”

Matthew was speechless. Was this a surprise? It was a shock, okay? In trepidation, he looked fixedly at Catherine and asked, “What… brings you here?”

“To see you, of course.” While speaking, she looked at the dinning table. Hunger made her mouth water. “Matthew, I’m starved. Can I have something to eat?” Her limpid eyes looked at him eagerly. Unable to stand her gaze, Matthew

immediately pushed a trayful of steamed buns to her. “There you go.” “Thanks,” Catherine said politely, put her bag down, sat down across from him,

and forked up the buns. Her behavior betrayed her eagerness, but instead of

wolfing the food down, she nibbled. Her bulging cheeks resembled those of at


The maids cleaned up the congee that had been spat out by Matthew and looked

at the cute girl. They couldn’t help but go to the kitchen and get some snacks.

Catherine was polite to everyone. She accepted the snacks, thanked them, and

complimented them sweetly.

Her witty and honeyed words pleased everyone in the room. Matthew looked at

the empty tray and plates in shock and said, “You’re a big eater.” “You bet! I’m growing,” Catherine reasoned. “I’m healthy and won’t gain.


Those maids, who had stuck to diets but still gained weight, felt injured and

silently left. As a friend of women, Matthew reminded the girl, “You should not

say such things again. People will be jealous.”

Catherine was confused. “Why?”

“Because…” Matthew didn’t know how to explain it to the girl whose mindset

was clearly different from the others’. He could only say, “Because not everyone is as healthy as you are.”

Catherine nodded thoughtfully and said, “I see. I’ll listen to you, Matt.”

“Good.” Matthew felt good about himself and smiled. This girl was obedient. He pushed over a glass of milk, but Catherine shook her head. “I don’t drink


“Why?” Matthew advised her. “Milk helps children grow.”

“I’m not short, and our heights match,” Catherine replied. Matthew was lost for


What could he say? What did he dare say? He had to change the subject. “Why…

don’t you like milk?”

“No reason. Hailey doesn’t like it, and neither do I. Don’t you feel it tastes like

leather shoes?” Catherine wrinkled her brows.

Matthew was stunned. He didn’t think so. Ever since his childhood, he had been

required to drink two liters of milk a day. What kind of freaks were the aunt and

niece? This was it for this subject.

Matthew looked at the replete girl and probed, “Do your father and aunt know

that you came to North City?”

Catherine dropped her eyes and mumbled, “I think so.”

Matthew immediately had a bad feeling. On the surface, he remained calm. “You

think so? Do they know or not?” His tone was a bit urgent.

Catherine raised her eyes and replied honestly, “They didn’t, but I think they do



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