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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 239

Chapter 239 The Key to Courting Women

What took one to fall in love with another person? He was nice and

considerate or there was something about him attracting you to


Hailey didn’t have the clue. She only knew that she used to be like

Catherine. She had fallen in love with a man for no reason. She had

been drowning in it. How long could it last? She used to truly love

him. Now she no longer loved him. “Mr. Moore,” Hailey said slowly with a smile, “is this a joke?”

Owen’s heartbeat skipped a beat. He had been prepared for her

flat rejection, but she showed such a mood. She was doubtful and

sarcastic. She was like saying, “Spending Valentine’s Day with

you? Dream on!”

Owen was neither a headstrong youth nor a cheeky person like

Matthew. Matthew was right about something though. Being

brazen was the key to courting women. It was said that there

would be a bigger world in front of one if he took a step back. For

Owen, the one step was too difficult. There was no room for it.

He curled his lips and said solemnly, “Hailey, I’m not kidding. I really

want to spend Valentine’s Day with you.”

Hailey looked at him and groaned in her heart. He just didn’t get it.

She had to put it more bluntly.

“Mr. Moore, we are divorced,” she enunciated, stressing her tone.

“Now we’re partners rather than a couple. I made Valentine’s Day

the date of the opening just for luck’s sake, nothing more.” Did this

guy think that she was implying something?

“I know.” Owen gazed at her, “I don’t expect you to forgive me or

that we can go back. I only hope that you’ll give me a chance. We

can start over.”

Hailey was unperturbed. “Mr. Moore, you’ve said it many times. In

fact, we can just talk about business. Private matters are


Her patience had worn thin. She didn’t want to talk to him again.

Leaning against the seat, she closed her eyes. She didn’t give him

another chance to speak. Owen didn’t dare to utter another sound

lest she should be annoyed and get off. He was content to have

her by his side even if she wouldn’t talk to him.

The air conditioner was on full blast. In a thin blouse, Hailey

defensively put her right hand on her left arm. Owen signaled the

driver to turn down the air conditioner, pulled over a blanket, and

draped it over her. He remained silent for fear of waking her up.

She would flip out.

The car was running steadily toward Moore Mansion. Leaning on

the seat, Owen slightly turned sideways and stared at her side

face in such a way as if he was going to engrave her image in his

mind. He would keep it all to himself.

He hoped that the car would run slower so that he could stay with

Hailey longer. Unfortunately, Moore Mansion was not far away

from Mazedew Museum. It was a 30-minute drive even if they

took a detour.

Half an hour later, the cars stopped at the entrance of Moore


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