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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 245

Chapter 245 I Won’t Accept Your Apology

Owen rushed toward Hailey in almost a second, then held her dodged the cor, and the two of them almost fell on the hedge

Harley was not startled by Maya, but was taken aback by Owen and almost sprained her ankle She frowned and struggled out of his


Owen‘s beart was still pounding, and after conlirming that Hailey was all right, he was relieved with a sigh

Maya got out of the car and apologized to them, “Oh, it scared me to death, are you all right? I dont know what‘s wrong with this car. I

didn‘t touch it, but it started on its own and almost hit you...”

Hailey squinted at her, “You didn‘t do anything and the car jusi slarted moving? Does this car have legs?” “Im also wondering about that Maya, who almost bumped into somebody, was acting more innocent than the people that were almost

hit by her. She patted the front of the car and said, ‘I know nothing about cars. Maybe it has something broken in it, I‘ll go to the 4S store

to fix it later”

“You dont need to go to the 4S store, just go to the police station, Owen said coldly. Eliza and Maya looked up at Owen in disbeliel. “Why should we go to the police station?” Maya asked in a panic. Owen‘s expression was stern and cold. “111 sue you for intentional murder.”

Maya‘s face stiffened, she did not expect Owen to be so ruthless

Eliza‘s face turned even paler, she hurriedly stepped forward, and said with a shy smile. “Owie, look at you, why are you so angry, it‘s not a

big deal

Matthew took an antidote and finally stopped laughing. He said with a sheer and said, “Hey, is it not a big deal to hit other people with a

car these days? Then why don‘t you stand there and let me drive over you?”

“Mr. Holland, how could you joke about that?” Eliza glated at Matthew, then tried to grab Owen‘s arm, but was avoided by him Eliza was a

Intle bit embarrassed. She glanced at Hailey and felt angry as she saw Hailey smiling and looking at her “Owie, were a family, so why make things so ugly? My aunt didnt do it on purpose. It was Harley Newman who had to stand in front of

the car, and the car happened to have a small problem, which caused such a misunderstanding, and she also had responsibility for


Eliza tried her best to find an excuse for Mayo, but Owen didnt even look at her. He said coldly, “Whether she was doing it on purpose or

not, the surveillance and driving recorder will give the police an answer”

Matthew was dialing the number while saying, “Til also ask the 4S store start to come over and check the car, to see if it is the car or the

people that have a problem”

Maya‘s face suddenly turned pale But soon she smiled again “Mr. Holland, Owen. Im a celebrity, and going to the police station will have

abad effect on me, so please do me a favor What‘s the benefit of making a fuss? If we really go to the police station, then I have to call

your father He has been very busy recently and his health is not good, so dont cause him this trouble. Well, how about I apologize to Ms.

Ale buying that, Maya turned to Hailey and said, “Ms. Newman. I am a lerrible driver. I am very sorry to scare you”

M bowed slightly, even if she was apologizing, her attitude was also calm, and she was elegant and moving

The security guard of the gate of the community selt pily for her and pleaded, “I can lestify that Ms. Brown definitely didn‘t do it on

purpour, wd the bad apologized, so why don‘t you just let her go?




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