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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 257

Chapter 258 The Girl Who Made Jared Cry 

Owen was on his way back when he received a photo. While waiting for the traffic light, he saw the photo, in 

which Hailey and Eliza were sitting face to face in a cafe. Below the photo was the text, “Your ex-wife is pretty 

while your ex-girlfriend is too ugly!” Owen immediately turned around and went back. He didn’t expect to be 

late. They got into a fight. The hot coffee spilled all over Eliza, who jumped up in pain. Carrying her wet and dirty dress, she got so angry 

that her cheeks turned red. She pointed at the handsome woman and cursed, “What’s wrong with you? “I can’t believe that you got burned.” The handsome woman slightly rolled her beautiful eyes, smiled, and 

said, “Sorry, I was in a hurry and forgot that you are also a delicate skin woman. I thought a mistress is cheeky 

and you must be not afraid of boiling water. Unexpectedly, I am a little disappointed.” Her words were 

hilarious and sharp. Eliza was dumbfounded and did not respond. Hailey glanced in the direction of the handsome woman and 

could not help but laugh. How eloquent this woman was! The handsome woman turned her head and asked Hailey, “Are you okay?” “Yes.” 

She looked at Hailey’s spotless clothes, blinked her eyes, and said, “You dodged fast.” 

Hailey laughed and said, “You moved fast too. Thank you!” 

The handsome woman said, “I am happy to help you. I hate mistresses in my life, and I feel a physical disgust 

for them.” 

Hailey nodded and said, “So do I.” 

She looked at Hailey and asked, “Haven’t we met somewhere before?” Hailey also looked at her and replied, “I think so. I think you look familiar too The two people looked at each other and smiled. 

Eliza was completely ignored. She was so angry that she blushed and was about to scold the handsome woman 

when she caught a glimpse of Owen standing in the doorway. Her eyes immediately lit up and she darted 

towards him holding her skirt and said, “Owen, look what Hailey has done…”. 

Owen frowned. He took a step back to the side and Eliza sailed to touch him. He glanced at Eliza and then 

looked at Hailey. He was relieved to see that Hailey was unharmed. 

The handsome woman wrapped her arms around her chest and raised her voice, saying, “I spilled the coffee on 

you. How can you blame Hailey? You are bullying the weak and fearing the strong?” Hailey was amused to hear that she was thought to be the weak. 

Eliza glared at the handsome woman with hatred and said to Owen, “Owen…” 

Owen looked at Eliza with deep eyes, which scared her from talking and she retracted her hand. He said coldly. 

”I said that you shouldn’t appear in front of Hailey again. Do you want to go to prison with your aunt, or 

disappear completely in North City?” 

His cruel words inade Eliza’s heart tremble, and her whole body shook for a moment. Then she shook her head 

violently. Owen directly ordered his bodyguard, “Take her out.” Eliza always felt that Owen still had feelings for her, after all, he was so good to her in the past and almost 

. married her. But she forgot that love all had a shelf life. Even the sincerest love could not withstand the 


betrayal again and again. What’s more, at first, she didn’t really like Owen. She just enjoyed the feeling of 

fooling others. Later, she slowly fell in love with him, but then abandoned him. Now he loved the woman he had abandoned, Hailey. Eliza thought she and Owen were in a very similar 

situation. She couldn’t bring back his love for her. Could Owen bring back Hailey’s love for him? Probably not. 

Unless they could start from scratch again. Eliza was taken out by her bodyguard and it became quiet in the 

room again. The floor was in a mess, the handsome woman directly told Patrick who was standing aside, “Hey, man. There 

is a mop over there, please mop the floor. And a rag, wipe the table as well.” “Oh, okay.” 

She ordered very naturally, and Patrick also responded very naturally. It was not until he picked up the mop that Patrick felt something was wrong and frowned, saying, “Wait, this 

is your store. Shouldn’t you clean it up?” 

The handsome woman calmly said, “I’m here to help my cousin. I am the same as you. Besides, I just saved 

your boss, can’t you help me mop the floor?” Her words seemed to make sense, and Patrick diligently mopped up the floor. Hailey smiled and put out her hand towards the handsome woman as a gesture of thanks. “Thanks.” The handsome woman did not shake Hailey’s hand back, but held out her sist. Seeing this, Hailey also 

exchanged her palm for a list. The two women touched fists like men, and then moved their fingers in a wave 

motion, and shouted at the same time. They were in perfect unison. 

Owen froze at the scene. Hailey smiled, and said with surprise, “It’s you!” The handsome woman raised an eyebrow and said, “Yes. You’ve changed a lot.” The two were chatting so passionately. Owen came up and asked, “Do you know each other?” The handsome woman looked at Hailey and smiled, “Yes, we met once when we were kids. I remember when 

you and one of your brothers were playing. I thought he was going to bully you, so I beat him up and ended up 

making him cry. Later a bunch of your brothers came running over.” 


Hailey laughed too, just signing that it was coincidental. She had just brought up this hilarious story with Jared 

a few days ago. And today she met the girl who had caused Jared’s trauma. 


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